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Comment Re:Assad (Score 2) 129

Lets see what Human Rights Watch has to say:

Comment Its a HYDRAULIC Hybrid (Score 3, Informative) 204

The compressed air designation is very misleading. This is a hydraulic hybrid, using a hydraulic pump/motor the same way a normal hybrid uses a battery - for acceleration and storing braking energy.

Hydraulic hybrid vehicle (HHV) technology has been slowly maturing and is very promising. It is already in use for some advanced heavy trucks. Garbage trucks in particular, with their stop and go usage profile benefit from their efficiencies.
UPS is trying some out. Manufacturers like Navistar and Eaton are on board

In the U.S the EPA has been at the forefront of the research. See their page about it: Hydraulic Hybrid Research

In 2011 the EPA announced a partnership with Chrysler to produce an HHV minivan that would give you a 60% improvement in city driving fuel economy.

Hybrid Batteries are expensive and can't handle the braking energy a truck generates. Hydraulic technology is cheap, well understood, and gives you more bang for your buck.

Comment Re:Best Missile Defense Shield (Score 1) 861

You are being deliberately disingenuous. Abbas and his government are focused on a 2 state solution - for years now. The 2 states being Palestine and Israel, thus implying he is not trying to destroy it.

Ex-Israeli PM Olmert said he felt he and Abbas were close to a deal before he was booted from office. Do you think he would say that about a Ahmadinejad wannabe?

Do you really need this explained to you?
Are these facts getting in the way of your opinions?

Comment Re:Best Missile Defense Shield (Score 1, Informative) 861

Mahmoud Abbas is the most reasonable, most pragmatic Palestinian leader Israel has ever dealt with. Yet he has gotten no where in advancing the peace process.
The question is when will Israel show any interest in a peace deal. The answer is never.

Why, you may ask? (Or may not, if as I suspect, your prejudices are set in stone). Because a peace deal will invariably involve some reasonable compromises, and any pullback on settlements however minor will rip Israeli society apart.
Easier to keep the Palestinians bottled up and deal with their periodic tantrums.

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