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Comment Re:Ha (Score 3, Informative) 272

As someone who wields a 7-figure IT budget and has dealt with Dell I agree. No surprise at all. I'm actually surprised that they still have corporate customers. If those of us with large budgets making high volume purchases have a hard time dealing with them then what kind of service does a small business get? I tried Dell out due to their slightly lower prices but I've learned my lesson and I'll stick to Lenovo.

Submission + - Apple Losing iAd Clients

adeelarshad82 writes: Apple iAd's 17 launch partners are now down to only 15. Chanel and Adidas have both decided not to continue their advertisment campaigns with the company due to slow progress and creative differences. Adidas is the bigger blow of the two to Apple; the company's advertisement campaign was worth $10 million. But it's not as if iAds haven't brought success for companies that have managed to get their advertising off the ground. Both Nissan & Unilever are happy with the way their ads are performing.

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