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Comment Re:Good grief... (Score 1) 237

There is going be a lot of idiot millionaires out there. You are just jealous. Anybody that holds US dollars expecting their buying power to stay steady is an idiot. At least when you buy a bitcoin you know the value is going to go up and up beacuse the primary stakeholder will continue to pump and dump the currency for massive profit. After each pump and dump cycle the currency has a higher floor and your buying power is increased.

Comment Re:I like the idea (Score 1, Funny) 165

That's the idea. I know I'm late to the party but I'm getting on board so I can get in line to owning all you suckers that were too oblivious to buy in. Crypto favors the early adoptor. Just because you didn't want to pay off the 2009 guys, you will be paying me off in 2015 when you finally figure out what is going on. If you don't, somebody else will. Some African with an internet connection will buy my fractions of a bitcoin and other coins, and I'll be one of the richest in the world, only behind those that got in before me.

Comment What would be best for me? (Score 1) 400

I use winamp in my carputer. These days I keep a playlist of .flv music video files that I download from youtube. 7 inch screen and I have a mouse for control. I don't even know if winamp was even ever the best solutuion for me, but it seems to work OK. Should I stick with it or does anybody know something better. Running an atom 330 board btw.

Comment Re:[OT] A+ = F (Score 0) 293

I earned this certification as an attempt to segue my hobby experience into a first IT position so that I could start a career. It didn't work. It's fuckwads like you that have ruined any chance I will ever have of starting a career or a family. Go fuck yourself. So I'm not a fucking engineer, I just wanted a fucking chance. A first job where I could gain experience and further my skills. I guess that was too much to fucking ask.

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