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Comment I don't have THAT much drive space (Score 1) 331

Eh. This is a problem of scale. If you only need to store a little off site it wouldn't be worth it and if you need to store a lot it would be more useful to get a new drive or cloud service. The same problems come with bandwidth. Need to upload a little, hardly worth the extra set-ups, passwords, etc. Need to store a lot? Too much bandwidth.

Comment '3d' picutres look LESS real (Score 1) 141

The 3d photo club at the local Art school is just as boring as ever. The focal point is annoying. 3d pictures and movies tend to be less immersive due to the fact that part of the screen is always out of focus. 2d shows let you forget you are looking at a screen. 3d shows always remind you of it. As long as we are still using 2d screens, 3d is a long ways from being mainstream.
Also more feature creep. How bout making a cheaper phone or one with better battery life?

Comment lobbyists laws (Score 1) 103

I don't follow Canadian politics but these sort of laws always come from lobbyists anyways. Lobbyists going lobby. Governments should realize they are bending over for BMG and MPAA and such before they pass these laws. Didn't they see what happened in the US?

Will the companies be fined more then a token amount? Will anyone go to jail? Will the law be repealed? No. But don't worry your leaders will 'tisk tisk' BMG, which will just slightly tone down the letters and carry on

Comment Gore won (Score 1) 786

This is the same guy that lost to GWB after serving a Bill Clinton's Vice President for eight years. That election was in the bag. And he blew it by thinking that

For the record Gore won the election in both popular and electoral votes, had they been allowed to finish counting.

Comment Re:Free? (Score 1) 703

hahahahahhahaha. How wrong you are. protip:CC's are for immigrants and parents who want their kid to live at home for too long. Real college is much much more then just the classes. The most important thing is connections, the second most important thing is learning to be more independent. CC's do none of that. College is also about finding your passion, that is why most people switch majors halfway through. But when you go the CC to 4 year route you don't have access to Juniors and Seniors and high level teachers and culture and clubs that help you realize the work field for you. Plus the fact that you are stuck with all the stoners and burn-outs that make every class lowest common denominator. If your kid could have gotten into a 4 year, even a state one, it is always better.

Comment Stop immigration (Score 1) 319

If these well settled countries would stop immigration for awhile it would solve all sorts of problems in ways you might not expect.

Not only would internal security census be easier, but more people would integrate, adopt cultural mores. There will never be any peace when 65% of a persons family is back home in the middle east that is either in a war or hides women away. I know several women in the US that were quietly sent overseas when they started to become too American. Everything is culture. How can you expect less when they act more like colonists then immigrants? Mass Immigration of the sort going on now to ancient countries like England or France is just a terrible idea. Even it is travelers that do the attack, it is residents that billeted them. And yes I know it is all the EU's doing

Comment Re:Some more details and fixing some missing detai (Score 1) 160

and how it shouldn't affect them as they're not really a taxi service.

There are some differences. You have to call an uber, you can't hail them. So they don't have to clog the busiest streets driving up and down looking for fare.

I am glad they are breaking municipality regulations thou. The taxi monopolie needs to die, their service in most cities besides New York and London have become unusable, and their monopoly on licenses is the main reason.

Uber gets to my door in suburbs in 2 minutes , a taxi would take 30 minutes to an hour or not show up at all

Comment Re:Well Then (Score 1) 148

100% true. Stopping the NSA, I.E. the government, piece meal is impossible. Once they have covert ISP level access, which they do, they have everything. This is like trying to stop a swat raid by adding a iron door to your house. Still not going to stop the battering ram which the courts will say was a ok.

Comment But does it come with a android rootkit? (Score 1) 391

So it runs android apps hmm? Does it also delete your files deemed illegal and phone home your music tastes? I won't be surprised.

It is also way too big. It looks about the size of a smart phone. All you really need is something the size of a shuffle but with a microSD slot. Lossless formats are not hard to decode, you don't need a lot of hardware.

Comment Re:Anyone can intercept SSH some of the time (Score 1) 278

We can also potentially defend against this by using more certificate pinning and .....

The only way to defend against this is to nuder the NSA or shut it down. Once you have ISP line access, everything else is trivial and the NSA (read the government) will always have that.

The time after the end of world war 2 was the beginning of the end for the united states "as the best hope for the world". That is when all these national police state departments were formed. The FBI, the CIA, and the NSA. Things like Hoovers lists, CIA repeatedly over throwing south American governments, etc. None of these things were really necessary. Intelligence should have stayed a department of the military. FBI was also unnecessary. Police departments were already learning how to work together across state lines. The FBI was just a power grab at the federal level. The checks and balance system doesn't really work on departments like the FBI or NSA. It is too slow. and they are too big.

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