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Comment You are confusing corp tax dodge and personal tax (Score 1) 825

It's simply an extension of America's weird world view that they should be owed taxes on money not earned in America. No other country has this odd view, instead, money earned abroad is taxed abroad. The US tax system also has weirdnesses like this for anyone who's a dual national or green card holder... Dual US/British citizen and earning money in Britain? Great, you'll be paying both UK and US income tax on that!

That is a very different issue. That is just about you picking loyalty to a country. When you have dual citizenship, who do you vote for? Who do you fight for in a war draft? Which government is responsible for you?

What is going on here is corporations having a token office and token holding company incorporation papers in whatever country has little taxes or little accounting oversite and exploiting

How Apple avoids paying taxes on iTunes revenue Luxembourg served as one of Apple’s overseas tax havens from September 2008 until December of last year, giving the company a 1.2% corporate tax rate. Over two-thirds of Apple’s European revenue from iTunes was routed through its Luxembourg holding company called iTunes Sarl . Apple has since moved the holding company to Ireland where it pays less than one percent tax on iPhone and iPad sales.

THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM. Example: We subsidize education with tax dollars so people can get good enough jobs in future to buy iphones and design iphones, then we tax that corporate revenue to pay for the subsidization. This is basically making everyone elses tax burden higher. This isn't a 2 trillion money steal, it is money they would have owed in any rational system anyways,

Comment Re:If you can't add without a calculator... (Score 1) 198

I've failed interviewees who couldn't perform simple addition in their heads.The fuck am I supposed to do with them when the power goes out and I've got a shop full of paying customers??

It's funny that you won't hire entry level employees to man your front shop that can't do math in the head, when your much higher paid accountants would never ever do math in their head, and are repeatedly taught never to do that, as it is a bad habit. That is how drawers come out short.

Besides, if the power goes out, your customers are leaving without buyng anything anyways.

If the computer crashes, you are going to want solar calculators in your crash kits anyways as the line is going to being going very slow if they are hand writing receipts in any case, they don't need the extra burden of math in their head. Also what about tax calculations? Are they going to do that in their head as well?

Comment We should NOT be teaching programming in school, (Score 1) 198

We should NOT be teaching programming in school

Agreed. They should just accelerate the basic math, science and English courses already. There is no reason calculus can't be taught by grade 9, for example. It's been done. Kids can easily learn all the algebra and geometry by 8th grade (really 6th grade) in the right environment. Teaching styles are so outdated. highschool in a well desired world would all be advanced science courses and real world models such as accounting and statistics and maker-fair style building projects.

Comment collaborators (Score 1) 181

Yep, they are collaborators with a illegal regime now. And history will see them in that light. If they make any cool new proofs it will always be tainted with "was a known US gestapo collaborator.

not surpiesd thou, I have always found mathematics to have poorly formed political morals and instincts and it has cost them dearly in the past where they have been all too quickly willing to swallow the party line

Comment Re:Maybe a better reason for the plateau (Score 1) 307

This. It's not a phone. Anyways the only reason we change those so often is marketing restrictions. My old HTC is very powerful. It just doesn't run the latest android. It's more like a real computer in terms of how long you can make it last. I still use my ipad 1 I got on release. It works great.

Comment AMA is a guild (Score 1) 141

Yep. People don't realize the AMA functions as a guild to artificially limit the total supply of doctors to keep salaries artificially high. It's also a class system net to keep 99% of doctors to people born into the class. I remember when in the 80s they miss projected the doctor counts and had huge problems in the 90s. This also has weird distorting effects on things like the ratios of plastic surgeons to general practice doctors.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 392

This. It's actually more effective too. Unlike mass data collection which has only stopped one, count it one real thing so far. And that one real thing was money being sent to Africa, not a bomb or anything. They had data from the Boston bombers and such. Did it help them? nope. Because they have 500+ million peoples data from here and abroad. Plus over a million people on a watch list. The Boston bombers were on a watch list, and had been interviewed and such.

Comment Arguing over definitions (Score 1) 255

I'm so glad a major part of a major government department has time to argue over definitions of a service for advertising proposes. Everyone who had time to go to those meetings should be fired. If the regulations have to exist, why not just make them advertise the speed offered? Not "we offer broadband" but "we offer 15Mbps" with real fines for lying.

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