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Comment if you count all my banned accounts (Score 2, Insightful) 38

I'd probably make that list. Unfortunately, you get banned from some subs for calling out progressive stupidity, from other subs for calling out libertarian right wing stupidity, and yet other subs for reporting blatent spam bots.

Then again, they're most active users are all repost accounts for /r/pics and the like, or questionnaire accounts posting as real content on places like /r/videogames where low-activity, three year olds accounts post a picture of an N64 controller and say "best ever?".

The only subs that seem to have any substance, that are also not brigated with false content, or smaller hobby subs and municipal subs.

Comment Re: Oh, Please. . . (Score 1) 158

Yes, it does.

The exec is trying to avoid criticism of Samsungs far end of the "fake" spectrum by associating their extreme behavior with accepted, much less interfering methods of photo capture.

Saying their is a spectrum implies a recognition of some level of enhancement we accept, and some level we don't accept (as real). Which refutes the exec's philosophy.

Comment Re: Dumb move.... (Score 1) 38

I am not a virtualization or storage expert. But I know windows VMs can operate on KVM, and a number of vendors for various OSes and security products have KVM deployment options.

If I had a lot more money and less of a life (or switch from playing factorio) I'd be dabbling with "enterprise" ZFS, distributed storage and FOSS SDDC software like Proxmox.

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