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Comment Re:Article is WRONG... (Score 1) 685

I would imagine that window treatments and a white or otherwise highly reflective roof would get you most of the benefits since what you're worried about heating and cooling really is the passenger compartment. The hood is over the engine which will be hot no matter what when the car is on, and in fact a hotter engine compartment at start up may increase the fuel efficiency since the time to fully warm up the engine will be less. The doors of the car will likely get relatively little direct radiative energy, and the trunk may get hot, but could be isolated from the cabin better I guess.

Comment Re:Potential Failure RIsks: (Score 1) 263

It sounds like what they're thinking of doing is more like: (1) draw up 10 billion T-Cells, (2) use an enzyme to cleave off the CCR5 proteins, (3) filter out the enzyme+proteins, and (4) reinject the T-Cells.

Proteins aren't cleaved, a zinc finger nuclease is used to mutate the CCR5 gene so that it is the HIV resistant type. These are then cloned.

Comment Re:Potential Failure RIsks: (Score 2, Informative) 263

I don't think 1 will be a problem. All T Cells have a CCR5 membrane protein, but the HIV resistant ones have a mutant type CCR5 protein. CCR5 is the way in which T cells get infected by HIV, and people with mutant type CCR5 genes survive quite well.

2 may be a problem, and I think will be the biggest hurdle here.

3 Shouldn't be a problem. Zinc Finger nucleases are able to delete the genes from a bunch of different cells at once. The idea is that you get a whole lot of T-Cells, Remove the 32 base pair segment from the two copies of the CCR5 gene in each T-Cell using zinc finger nucleases to make them the HIV resistant mutant type, culture more T-Cells which should be HIV resistant since they have the mutant gene, and inject the T-cells back into the patient.

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