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Comment Re: "natural-born citizen" is well understood ... (Score 1) 538

If it's that clear cut, why all the uproar about Obama's birth certificate? Even on the off chance he had been born outside the U.S., he'd still be a Natural Born Citizen since his mother early was, correct?

Oh that's right - the deffinition is clearly one interpretation if you support Cruz and clearly the opposite interpretation if you oppose Obama.

That right there is pretty damn unclear.

Comment Re: Hmmm .... (Score 1) 886

Your allegory is fallacious because you are comparing a vendor not carrying a product which they never would (for any customer) to a vendor refusing to sell their primary product to a specific customer because the vendor finds that particular customer objectionable.

It is more akin to a Muslim butcher refusing to sell anything to a Jew.

Comment Re: Hmmm .... (Score 1) 886

Yes. Because a Muslim storekeeper wouldn't be selling sell pork chops to anyone (halal and all that), just like I, a web developer, don't sell pink fuzzy slippers to anyone. Distribution of pork chops is not the business your exampled shopkeeper is in.

It would be quite illegal if the Muslim storekeeper was selling pork chops to everyone else, but refused to sell pork chops specifically to Jews.

The specificity is what makes it discrimination, and in the US we have very clearly defined which basis of discrimination are not permitted: religious affiliation, age, gender, race, handicaps, medical conditions, and now sexual orientation is being added to that list.

Comment Re:Not even slightly interested (Score 3, Insightful) 167

The whole reason Firefox exists is because a group broke off and built it to remove the feature bloat in Mozilla/Netscape.

Officially-built/supported plugins would be the ideal way to solve this. Use internal devs who know the app inside and out, but serve it as an optional extension rather than an always-available feature requiring more memory to keep running.

Comment Re:What exactly is Apache Maven again? (Score 1) 319

The Node.JS ecosystem has this as well

Dependencies? Node Package Manager, Bower, and others
Build scripts? Grunt, Gulp, and others

And the best part of all? All the scripting, configuration files, etc, for these are all in Javascript and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)... the exact same language and structure you are using for your primary development.

The same code formatting rules, editor configs, syntax highlighting, autocomplete, for your code are used for your config, your build scripts, etc

Comment Re:This is not a mindshare battle...at all (Score 1) 319

There's a 4th reason that gets tossed around that I've never seen actually validated with the idea of "reusing code on the backend and the front-end" but I've never seen a case where that was actually a good idea since it involves exposing so much logic.

Check out Meteor, a framework built exactly on that idea - it's pretty crazy how easy it is to setup a rich *reactive* web app that keeps state sync across multilple devices. It's also crazy tiny for transmission size because only micro-snippets of data are exchanged between client and server instead of full page views.

Comment Re:Node.js is server side (Score 1) 319


Angular is an event driven framework for web/network apps. Node.JS is an executable that lets you run javascript on the server just like you can any other scripting language (PHP, Perl, etc...)

It is popular because it allows for single-language client/server webapps, which nothing other thean Flash/Flex has been able to do with wide support.

It also is extremely powerful in doing development-side preprocessing for client-side delivery. No need to learn Java in order to automate some JS/HTML/CSS tasks.

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