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Comment What a stupid article (Score 1) 219

All this money spent endlessly year after year to answer the most fundamental of questions that anyone over the age of 40 usually figures out on their own. I do not at all mean to imply that people over 40 are somehow "smarter" or "more experienced" than someone who just turned 18!! There are plenty of 18 year old's that are quite mature and have figured this out too. But usually one has to be in management for a year, or two, before they figure it out.

It's so insanely simple. Let's start with why some sales people are really successful and some suck, and resort to being lying douche bags:

In any transaction where the sale price is high enough to warrant a sales person... People don't buy shit because it's the best, or it is the lowest price, or because it's superior... They buy from a particular person BECAUSE THEY LIKE THEM

Similarly, in any TEAM be it software engineers, or fast food workers the most productive, most efficient, and most amazing teams are made up of people WHO LIKE AND RESPECT EACH OTHER. And no matter how fucking awesome of an engineer you think you are, the truth is that Good software is actually mostly about good relationships between people... It doesn't matter what the mix of young/old male/female white/black onshore/offshore smart/stupid is... not one bit.

But instead we have these idiot eggheads coming up with stupid crap in the name of "diversity" and "mulit-culturalism" and "group management paradigms" all of which are crutches for idiots who don't grasp the most obvious, common sense realities of humans working together. I'd wager a year's salary that these eggheads have massive ego's, don't get along with each other at all, and are secretly at each other's throats. And they therefore believe that the rest of us must also walk around with an air of intellectual superiority. They are wrong...

I've worked in horrible, toxic I.T. environments, and I've worked in environments where I couldn't wait to get to work every day. The difference? I think I already explained that...

Comment Re:No. Larger organizations stop being rational. (Score 1) 489

You're right, but missing one key understanding.

Microsoft's biggest customers are 1) The U.S. Military and 2) The Fortune 100 3) PC Makers who buy a gazillion units of license

Us little onesy twosey consumers are an INSIGNIFICANT FRACTION of their revenue. So they are doing the same, exact thing we all do each and every day. It has nothing at all to do with personal behavior, organizational preservation, conspiracy theories, the inherent "evil-ness" of corporations, greed, and no we don't "need a law" to force them to behave... (not that you suggested anything after organizational preservation but others surely will)

in business it's called "working close to the dollar" and what it means is that you give the most attention to the person, or persons who give you the most dollars.

Comment Re: Did Congress pass a law? (Score 1) 122

It's pretty funny, actually, for those of us with memory. When George Bush was in office the lefties screamed, howled, and wailed about how he was "shredding the constitution" with executive over reach. Then Obama gets in there, on promises he would do no such thing, and doubles down on damn near everything. And what are the lefties saying "Well, Obama has done nothing here that every president before him hasn't done"

And when a Republican gets elected, the howling and screaming about executive over-reach will come back - within a day.

Comment Re:Surprised it didn't happen sooner (Score 1) 314

OK, I get where you are coming from.

But I disagree with the "derivatives are bad" argument. If a company creates a product, and it's a suck-ass product - and people buy it.... In the Web 2.0 world where information is readily available, public commentary exists for everything, and we are all incredibly powerful researchers... then who's fault is it? The buyer.

Before I buy a bloody toaster I Google the brand to see what people are saying about it. If you're buying some gazillion pound derivative and you don't do your research, and you get screwed.... Where does the blame lie?

Saying "Oh those horrible BANKERS how dare they create new products to sell to their customers, we need to stop them from innovating and coming up with new things" followed by "Oh those poor INVESTORS who gambled their money on the market, and didn't do their research, and bought a derivative that represented a loan that could never, ever be paid back, oh we feel so sorry for them, let's steal from the hardworking taxpayer to bail them out..." Sorry, Mate, it's hogwash.

Government can't possibly keep up with every new product introduced, unless you favor some Marxist central command banking system (and we all know how much that solution sucks), investing is GAMBLING done by the wealthy it is their money to loose.

With respect to 2008, if one couldn't see that coming.... they were blind, Governments forcing banks to loan money to people who had horrible credit ratings under the threat of racism, good lord, what a stupid fucking idea that was... And then in classic fashion blaming the same banks they forced to make those loans for creating the problem, it's shameful.

Comment Re:About time (Score 1) 417


Below we see the usual attempt to declare that the actual data is misleading, instead we need to express it as a percentage of something else (Because the actual data tells the truth)

I have a degree in Business Economics from Northern Arizona University and am the owner of a small software development business.

In my opinion cries for more spending on education by the folks on the left has nothing to do what so ever with the quality of education, and everything to do with greed. The NEA and NTA are large contributors to the Democratic Party -- and thanks to Citizens United, we'll never know for sure how much dark money they contribute. The cycle works something like this:

Politician cozies up to the NEA/NTA and promises some favor if they donate money (openly, or to his PAC)

NEA/NTA give the money, which they have taken from the members, that are paid from the public trough.

Politician get elected and repays the bribe, er, contribution by doing something the NEA/NTA wants. Thanks to Citizens United the dark money given by the NEA/NTA is not reported.

After years and years and years this cozy incestuous little system creates a scenario where so many promises have been made, that the unfunded liabilities to pay for these perks and benefits far exceeds what the taxpayers will ever, possibly be able to pay for. Every possible dime gets cut from actual education, the bulk of the money is going to the administrators, or being extracted from the teachers in the form of dues, that's being returned to the greedy party apparatus. In many states, one either joins the Union or does not get a job. It's legalized extortion combined with legalized money laundering, and it is wrong on so many levels.

This is one of thousands of examples, both parties setup these little money laundering machines to feed their greed. I picked the NEA/NTA because this thread is about education, and it's blatant theft that is easy to verify. Just look at what we spend per pupil .vs. the results we get back and ask yourself WHY?

So when a political party, or a politician, wants to raise taxes in order to pay for something, and uses highly charged populist emotional rhetoric, one should be very, very, very suspicious of the motive. I would put it to you that some sixty percent of the local, state, and federal budgets represents this kind of crap, as opposed to giving we the people a fair value for the taxes we pay.

How do we fix this? We stand up and say ENOUGH is ENOUGH. We demand zero based budgeting for all local, state, and federal budgets, each and every year. We don't tolerate the foolishness where there is a 5% built in rate of growth in some department's budget, and it only grows 4%, and politicians declare a savings or a surplus. Not spending money you never had is not SAVINGS. We force every local, state, and federal department to be 100% transparent about where ALL the money goes. We demand Citizens United be repealed. We eliminate public sector unions, which have a monopoly over the public work force, abolishing forced unionization for public sector jobs in states that do not have right to work laws. We force government agencies to compete with private enterprise for as many services as possible, in order to incentivize efficiency. We quit throwing money at problems that we are clearly not solving, so many local, state, and federal programs are simply jobs programs, they add no value and accomplish little.

Plenty more good ideas, but I think you get the general sense of things. I am a social progressive and a fiscal conservative, but above all things I am against government greed... Because I believe I pay way too much in taxes for the value I receive, and it annoys the fuck out of me that politicians, on the whole, are such bold faced liars - and that we, the people, let them get away with it.

Comment Re:More US workers == offshoring?? (Score 1) 484

Absolutely correct. But the TRUTH about all this... well, people aren't the least bit interested in that, because it's easier to scream populist rants. Being a raving populist is the easiest, most gutless decision one can make, all you have to do is look at something and say "Oh that's horrible"

I'm sure all these people ranting about the horrors of off shoring shop at Walmart and have houses full of cheap Chinese goods, don't drive cars made in America, have tools from Harbor Freight, and wouldn't pay a penny more for something made in the USA...

Comment Re:Surprised it didn't happen sooner (Score 1) 314

Your comments make no sense. Radio Shack lost money for 11 quarters. So they borrowed heavily. When the lending institution realized they might not get paid back, they found some sucker to take on the loans. And now those suckers are getting nervous.

So where does the fault lie? I'd say it lies in the guy who approved the loan in the first place, and the guy who bought the loans without doing due diligence. It's called Caveat Emptor, noting to see here. You don't like how the system works, fine, I get that, but it has nothing at all to do with "borderline legalized gambling of the type that hit the fan in 2008" -- all that's in common here is some of the same WORDS are being used.

Comment Re:Le Shrinkage (Score 1) 314

You are absolutely correct. There is this crazy belief that the value of a stock actually bears some relationship to how the company is run, or what the P/E ratio is, or what the growth potential is. But the plain truth is that the value of the stock is investor perceptions of future potential.

And now that we have pumped trillions of dollars of money into the system by quantitative easing, we now have a new generation of idiots claiming that the value of the stocks is proof of overall economic performance! Downright frightening how naive that is.

Playing the market is gambling, plain and simple... You have better odds than the casino....

Comment Re:Bribocracy (Score 0) 484

True. And let's not forget that by not passing a budget - something required by law - The Obama Administration was able to grow the Federal Government at pre-recession rates, as the mandatory spending increases were based on the 2008 federal income. At the same time, they raised taxes.

It's the same trick as "Hottest year on Record" - You change when "the record" starts! But not as big of a lie as "eight million insured!" when six million were cancelled... So many more examples abound.

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