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Comment Re: **WHO** is the real traitor ? (Score 0) 330

What about ..."or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort",,, in that section. It would seem to me that many in congress have adhered to an enemy to the United States. Short of declaring the NSA an enemy body for thier secrecy and broad spying what about the arms that have been given to obvious enemy parties in Mexico and in the Middle East.

I imagine the lines of which group did what might shift right or left among the political parties but overall there is a lot of bad in both parties. I lean Libertarian but haven't been impressed by any candidates for office.

Is not the current judicial branch bending the laws to the breaking point in the opposite direction from my ideals already? Certainly I have misinterpreted the meaning of the constitution in this case. However, why not then take action against them on grounds on the violation of their oaths to the United States.

Comment Re: **WHO** is the real traitor ? (Score 1) 330

Fancy this, the US Federal government creates an agency that is illegal and outside the bounds of the government and by proxy not part of our government. Therefore, any US citizen who works for or has used their authority to create this institution is by definition traitorous. If course that is a very naive view of the people that currently constitute our government. Since it basically means they have all committed treason against the government of the people by the people and for the people with the government of fear and false security.

Comment Re:Optical density. (Score 0) 182

Well, its is fairly obvious that you could create a data format that uses this as an advantage. Reduce the total data capacity in return for 1000 backups on the same media if one is corrupt just go to the next one. That is the major problem with current media... there isn't enough redundancy. Then all you have to do is wait for it to seek though 999 corrupted versions to get to the good one! I was always a fan of MiniDisc mainly because of the floppy style case to keep even a poorly guarded disk relativly pristine.

Comment Re:Irony (Score 0) 1435

I lived in Brazil for 4 years its just barely a 3rd world country... mainly because of the massive difference in class/weath. That said guns and hunting are banned. People out in the country still hunt on occasion to eat (like capybaras which are fairly populous anyway being rodents after all.) And thugs definitely still have guns... and there isn't much law abiding people can do to stop them when they want to cause trouble. Also there aren't enough police since they rich want to hold on to thier money and don't pay for enough of them though taxes for instance 120,000 people in the city I was in and there were only about 100 police and this was even were they train the poliece another similarly sized city only has 10. I have met several of the officers personaly. One was on the hostage squad and thier policy is to hold off and negociate for 2 hours and then shoot EVERYONE then move on to the next situation cause there already is one for sure by then. Unless you have money to prosecute a muderer of you family member might go free in a month or so, due to overflowing prisons.

Comment Re:A clear example of how lobbying hurts everyone (Score 0) 375

Brazil also sells 100% alcohol for cars with beefed up fuel systems since decades. About the same time "Flex" fuel cars came out here real Flex fuel cars came out down there you can run them on any mix of Gas or Alcohol. I saw a chevy mini van with a mini gas tank in the engine compartment to aid in cold starting as well even though it rarely gets cold enough in Brazil to need it.

Comment Re:6000 years? (Score 0) 253

It was probably around 14-15 years for many years society is the only thing preventing that now where in the past it was pretty much required... my great grandma had 4 kids before she was 20. If your lifespan was only around 40 years you'd have to have kids early in order to live to help them start a family if you were fortunate enough to do that. So I suppose the best answer is actually a range of possible number of generations. Which would come to about 428-120 generations for childbirth occurring in the range of 14-50. Because even though you can average out and probably get to your numbers its still a bell curve probably a really good one. Interesting isn't it!

Comment Re:U.S. christians and muslims and jews -not issue (Score 0) 783

I would like to comment as one of those 46%. Something that happened or not 10,000 years ago has zero bearing on science. I either believe it happened that way or didn't you can't scientifically tell if it did or not because that believe is based outside of our laws of physics. I mean if God created physics and time itself for that matter that leaves any study I do on his creation completely unbounded! Belief in creationism is not limiting if anything it is liberating. I personally am not all that convinced about the process of evolution itself but quite frankly that is irrelevant as it has no bearing on the fact that I can understand the minutia of biological processes as observed. I believe in mutation but not evolution... you find lots of cases of adaptation within short periods (pre designed processes) however most if not all mutations are harmful. In other words the odds are stacked against evolution from the very beginning to the very end at each level the next step up is massively improbable. That said BELIEVE WHAT YOU WANT! For crying out loud that is why colonist populated North America to get away from what is essentially thought persecution! They should stick to teaching low level scientifically observable and provable facts. If anything kids would have a BETTER understanding of how things work rather than just arguing and postulating how things might work. Because lets fact it origin theories are controversial and controversy and drama are not conductive to real practical science. Btw I'm a Computer engineer I highly doubt your future robot overlords care if you were created or evolved! :D

Comment Re:Haiku will be Linux for the desktop (Score 0) 117

Years!? And you haven't tried it again? The themeing has being updated some and if it was years ago you haven't tried the Stack and Tile windowing. Its also an order of magnitude more stable these days. Also https://github.com/looncraz?tab=activity ... yeah thats compositing support work happening now the possibiltity rounded windows, real transparancy and improved themeing is probably going to happen pre R1.

Comment Re:Haiku will be Linux for the desktop (Score 0) 117

Well for the basic chat (Caya + Stack and Tile is pretty sweet) and web surfing its already pretty good it just needs some html5 support to round it out. There are a few decent little games too. Nothing heavy duty but its nice for light usage with the added nicety of having a very responsive media player (nocks the socks off VLC in that regard however has a few missing features). Also note that QT 4.8 is ported and there will probably be 5.0 soon enough. It is a pretty good port as well considering how well qupzilla works.

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