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Comment Re:How convenient (Score 3, Insightful) 1128

About that time (mid seventies) "science" or people purporting to be science started telling us that everything caused cancer. Then they said, "oops never mind". Then they said "wait...yes it does". Look at the saccharine scare, the whole thing about silicon breasts implants (where lawyers hijacked science), etc. etc. etc.

I'm pretty sure you're getting "science" confused with "the media". Scientists were legitimately studying things like saccharine and breast implants, often coming up with inconclusive results and findings that are different levels of grey, and don't really fit on a pretty headline. Then the media would take some study that says "CANCER CANCER CANCER!".

Or, in picture-form: http://xkcd.com/882/

Comment What does football stadium sized entail? (Score 1) 412

As a non-astronomer, can somebody explain to me roughly what we're talking about with a 140m asteroid?

I'm assuming (I could be way off) that a 1m "beach ball" asteroid probably just breaks up and burns in the atmosphere, with little appreciable hitting the ground/ocean.

How about a "car" sized asteroid? Does it burn up? Possibly take out a house? City Block?

How big do asteroids have to be before they could take out a whole city? How about to create a Tsunami (since they are most likely hitting ocean anyhow). How big to impact yearly weather patterns and destroy crops?

I know the Chicxulub one is supposed to have been 10km, so that's "extinct most species" territory -- What does 140m mean in comparison?

Comment Re:It's all the customers' fault... (Score 1) 406

Seems to me the flaw in this plan is that people are cheap -- you'd encourage a lot of them to sit out for the drop, drop, drop in prices in the last 12 hours. So you'd miss out on:

A) the logistical sanity of just having the plane mostly full well in advance.

B) A good chunk of the interest you make from holding on to several hundred dollars per passenger for what is often a few months.

plus, you'd probably end up with a lot of grumpy people who missed out during the last minute firesale. Sure, its their own fault, but people don't care -- you spill your fries, it's McDonald's fault, you show up late on Black Friday, it's Best Buy's fault that they only had 8 doorbuster sale HDTVs. People who missed out on a seat due to their own lack of planning would probably just rage at the airline.

Comment Re:Suing the FBI? (Score 1) 260

IANAL but I think the persons to go after in that case would be the management that can't pay the parking garage land owner.

I mean if I offer to store your valuables in safes within my attic, and then fail to pay my mortgage and get evicted from my house, it seems the person at fault here would be me for losing access to the attic safes, not my bank for repossessing my house.

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