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Comment A Navy Town (Score 1) 164

I live near San Diego and a friend Rick was from New York City. His idea of going out was to visit the downtown area to have a drink and see the city sights. We stopped in a tattoo place and watched some young navy men getting tats. It was interesting to watch the process but I think people who are heavily tatted have some serious mental problems.

Comment Good Cops (Score 1) 219

When I was in the thirteenth grade I enrolled in Crim 110, the entry level class for cops. I needed a class to fill up my schedule to be a full-time student and met two people who became cops. One a California Highway Patrol officer, the other a San Diego Sheriff. The instructor was a retired police officer who shared many tales about his work. My car broke down when I was driving home from a friend's house and Tom the CHP officer stopped behind me, gave me a ride home, and called for a tow truck to .take my vehicle to my house. .

Comment Toilet to Tap (Score 1) 245

The City of San Diego operated a pilot plant in Mission Valley near Jack Murphy Stadium to process wastewater into drinking water. It worked. I was a Water Plant Operator and know the process is safe when waste plant operators follow the proper procedures. The water produced was just returned to a sewer line 'cause it wasn't allowed to be used for drinking. A local news guy did a feature about the plant and took a drink from a gallon jug of recycled water. All hell broke loose. The State officials went crazy! Another pilot plant used chlorine and UV to disinfect water. That worked, the water lab sampled and tested three times/day.

Comment Very Loud (Score 1) 300

I saw a Concorde at a air show. The plane was two or three hundred meters away and facing me taxiing to the runway. The noise was amazing, I could feel it as much as I heard it. When it turned to begin the roll out to take off the sound was deafening. Brown Field is a small general aviation airport and the pilot must have had to go full throttle to get up to speed. There's a mountain to the east of the runway. From The LATimes " A business jet carrying a two-person crew and eight members of country singer Reba McEntires entourage crashed into a mountain near the U.S.-Mexico border Saturday morning, killing all 10 people on board.". I worked nearby and the crash site was visible for years. RIP.

Comment Teaching (Score 1) 169

My high school math teacher should have been at a college or university. Jack Munson had chalk dust flying as he filled the boards with formulas and equations, QED. Students HAD to keep up with him or be lost forever. My brother has a doctorate degree in math from UC Berkeley and I lived in his shadow. "Why aren't you like Pete?" I found a different career and did OK. Tough work conditions but the $money was good. Really good, back when a dollar was worth five dollars. I went to the High Sierras for two weeks at a cost of $200.00.

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