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Comment Re:tempfix (Score 2) 54

You don't even need to do that. Let wp-supercache set up the rules for mod_rewrite as they are intended (or get your hoster to let you do so by p.e. installing mod_rewrite) and anyone trying to browse your plugin, includes or cache directory will get a nice 403 as a response. If that doesn't work your host or site is not really set up to run dynamic content. There's a little bit more to useful hosting than just installing PHP, Apache and MySQL...

Comment Re:Coercion (Score 1) 184

My relatively-lower concern regarding the practices of businesses is that I can understand and predict their motivation—to extract profit from me. With the government, they are not satisfied with merely obtaining money, they also want control over the lives of their population.

Using its "monopoly" the state primarily grants the major part of control over your life to yourself. While I share your concern that the state still is trying to keep a lot too much of it by itself, I do not trust companies a bit more. They won't let you the smallest bit of "control over yourself" if they have the chance to get and monetize it - up to the level of selling your physical extents. Corporations tend to act like dictators if they are allowed to and they have proven that -not only during the age of Manchester-capitalism- wherever they could.

Comment Re:Fahrenheit? (Score 1) 230

Funny argument, Mr Fogg. I've hardly ever seen anybody use decimal points talking about temperature. It's already very hard to tell the difference bewteen, say, 23C and 25C so 23.5C are mostly considered useless pseudo-precision, unless in a technical process where readings are automated anyway.

Comment Re:It's a very sad thing to admit, but (Score 1) 260


ATI once made really good graphics cards. After the Nvidia GT that my last workstation came with broke I bought a recent ATI Radeon. It was quite a disappointment.To be honest it was about the worst piece of crappy video hardware I've ever seen- and I've seen Voodoo I (the one you had to install additional to your primary adapter) to III (the one you wouldn't get updated drivers, because they went bankrupt) .

"Luckily" it broke after 1½ years. I am not going to miss it.

Comment Current state of IMAP4 and SMTP? (Score 1) 464

Current state of IMAP4 and SMTP - same as ten years ago?

So what new, shiny features do you expect an e-mail client to provide? Don't fix it, if it's not broken. Thunderbird, Evolution, claws are all fine. The only differences are the way they will archive, sort or filter mail - and more or fewer things not strictly email-related.

Comment Re:Missing option (Score 4, Interesting) 525

That's not -or has not always been- true. I remember a case (must have been in the 1980s) when an American soldier in Germany was arrested and accused of murder and rape by domestic police. The U.S. rather surprisingly didn't make any effort to get him out. It was pretty obvious that he was guilty and the guy insisted on being tried in the USA - don't ask me why. German authorities agreed, he got hs trial in the USA and was sentenced to death. In Germany he'd have got 15 years, 20 at max.

Comment The net is unsafe (Score 1) 180

The net is unsafe because it's full of idiots. That's why the rest of us needs to become complete morons, too. And use "apps" with just one button. Because two buttons are not stupid enough! Two buttons are smarter than one! So one button is not so smart!! Great plan! So logical. I am with you. Now, where's that #*'&%! button, again?

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