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Submission + - German Prankster's Clown Google Nest at re:publica 2014 ( 1

phmadore writes: Some very clever German Pranksters managed to get one over on a sect of the intelligentsia just the other day. In this 30 minute presentation, Paul von Ribbeck and Gloria Spindle straight-face four new (somewhat credible-sounding) Google products making up the "Google Nest:" Google Trust, Google Hug, Google Bee, and Google Bye. "The way we're seeing it is bad we can't really guarantee that we protect your information but we can do our very best to protect you," says Spindle about eight minutes in. Google is reportedly rather pissed about the whole affair. For me, the discussion-worthy items here are: data insurance and the value of data.

Comment Voice of the Hurd (Score 1) 394

Whole time I read this I could hear Stallman's voice. This might be why I skimmed through the second half.

It's not that I don't like him or support him, it's that I think his insistence on "GNU/Linux" as a mouthful whenever referring to Linux is childish and ridiculous and, more to the point, egotistical/annoying.

Comment LOL @ article (Score 2) 141

In 1996 Linux Torvalds joined Transmeta, a California-based startup that was designing an energy-saving CPU. He continued to oversee kernel development for Linux, and in 2003 left Transmeta to focus exclusively on the Linux kernel as a Fellow at The Linux Foundation (known at the time as Open Source Development Labs) and today remains the ultimate authority on what new code is incorporated into the standard Linux kernel.

The man has been renamed after his own Frankenstein.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Python

So, for a little while I struggled trying to learn C++, but then I realized that really there is nothing I want to presently do which I could not do in Python. This realization does not happen on its own, you can imagine, but came with some research. The research also finds that actually it will be a lot easier to learn C++ and Perl after Python, which is a much easier entry language. So I've begun. I have this idea for a program which I've put on Google Code, with some extremely rudimentary

Comment Stereotyping (Score 2) 137

Seems like it will be based too much on stereotypes. When I was 16, I typed in proper case (I wanted most of all to be a writer, and I used every opportunity to improve my grammar and typing), used big words in context, and did not easily use emoticons.

I suppose over time they could develop something keener, but if you're going to base it on the mean of all people in a certain age bracket, there will be enough exceptions to render the most useful applications of the software irrelevant.

Comment Re:Psychopathy? (Score 1) 293

Well, would you consider someone at the coffee shop who jumped into group discussions with bad intentions to be a problem? Some of the arguments that get started, IRL, would lead to physical altercations. I think this is why it's gradually being taken more seriously.

Myself, I've never thought it could, in any way, be seen as positive to intentionally and willfully waste others' time. I think that sans trolls the number of people who don't want to partake in online conversations would be lower than 41%.

Submission + - Microsoft Rumored to Integrate Android Apps

phmadore writes: Windows Phone has been struggling for market share, largely due to a serious lack of developers willing to invest their time in what one might consider a niche market. Statistically speaking, Android has more than 1.1M apps to Windows Phone's pitiful 200,000+. Well, according to unnamed sources informing the Verge , Microsoft may soon integrate/allow Android applications into both Windows and Windows Phone. The irony is so thick here you can cut it with a million dollar bill.

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