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Comment Re:So (Score 0) 775

Real scientists try to disprove the theory of evolution

That sounds nice in theory, saying that a real scientist would always be challenging accepted thought and looking for the next big breakthrough. And yet somehow, every time someone brings up creationism, they are told in no uncertain terms that all real scientists accept evolution as a true and proven fact and that anyone who questions it is by definition not a scientist. (I'm not making this up, I've been told exactly that numerous times by people who claim to be rational thinkers.) You can't have it both ways.

Comment Re:I am still fuzzy (Score 1) 662

Yeah, seriously. Doesn't wiretapping usually involve, you know, a wire being tapped? Recording video is wiretapping in the same way that copyright infringement falls under the mandate of the DHS.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Just sayin'.

Comment Re:Are they -trying- to kill Firefox? (Score 1) 683

As Linus Torvalds recently said, if you're checking for a specific version, you're doing it wrong. Just assume that you're on the most recent one and do the most modern thing unless you're specifically told otherwise. Basically, an addon should work on version X and anything higher, not specifically versions X.A, X.B, and X.C.

Comment So what? (Score 1) 323

So... Option 1: Use a conventional driver.
Option 2: Send it to the cloud, which just basically uses someone else's driver.
Option 3: Standardize all printers to communicate in exactly the same way, making a "one-size-fits-all" driver.
I don't really see the "elimination" part here. Maybe a "simplification" at best.

Comment Re:Nice (Score 3, Insightful) 79

Perhaps it's a microcosm of the scientific world at large, but most of our dinosaur knowledge is based on "this is the first idea that popped into my head when I saw the thing, so we'll call it true until proven otherwise". The iguanadon, for example, was thought to have horns on its nose until a full skeleton was discovered and it was revealed that they were thumbs. Don't get me wrong, I don't care that we're creating imperfect theories based on limited knowledge which are expanded when more is discovered; that's how science works and how it should work. What I find to be particularly annoying is when these theories are taught as unchallenged fact. There was one species of dinosaur that was "discovered" in the form of a single bone, but sketches of the full animal were showing up in textbooks. If all you have is a single bone, at least put an asterisk beside the picture please! Maybe our knowledge would advance faster if we knew what exactly we knew and what we don't know.

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