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Comment Re:obvious slant (Score 1) 208

People don't need to alter their (horribly lazy, wasteful) habits. Just pay more. Get business class for their home. Fix it with money. Fix it with money or find another ISP if you're in the half of America living in a city.

Or stop being the irrelevant outlier person in the bell curve.

Comment the last wave of real geeks (Score 2) 134

I was just trying to rile you up with the subject line there. Don't worry, I'm sure it's just a transparent generational thing.

I heard folks in their 40s saying their teenage kids aren't creative anymore, that the web and games and shows we made were so entertaining they had no reason to be self-creative.

I really wanna figure they're just wrong, that they dont know how creative their kids secretly are. Maybe as I've entered my 30s now, I've gotten it together mentally enough to actually pull some 'hacks' off, see some things through to completion. Maybe I glorify my teens and early 20s and I never really got anything done at all. Maybe we all spend those years discovering tools for the toolbox, and that in itself was discovery and accomplishment.

But there's no such group I am aware of in Boondock, NH. I see that photo of geeks sharing a table, eating poptarts to stay shiny, drinking 'dew, and probably having a hearty laugh at mundane details. And I just lust for such a thing, available only by the numbers a huge city can push. I probably should live in a city to have geek friends I can actually smell. The 'net does a fine job hiding the aroma, but alas also the arcane body language and general vibe of sharing meatspace.


Comment i can forkgive if you can forkget (Score 2) 173

So the bash fork bomb got popular back while I was at UNH. If you're not familiar with it, it's similar to this: ;(){ :|:& };: (I changed one character so that you dont paste it on recommendation) The way it works is trivial, and it's mystique is only in that it uses punctuation marks in lieu of letters for its own name: make a new function called :, run it and force the output into a new fork of itself in the background; then a final call to the new function. h4rdc0r3 1337.

So, we had this UNH policy that if you hung a shared unix dev box, you got evicted from CEPS (the college for the engineering/cs kids). They could give you a warning or go straight to evict. Their call.

I wrote to their head unix admin once, and with some humility, cause I knew they knew this, pointed out that they could just change the system's ulimit values to disallow casual fork bombing. The default system ulimits on the distro back then (still?) allowed a single user to consume all memory. So we saw a couple kids run the fork bomb and they never actually got evicted, cause maybe 40 grand tuition outvotes a cranky unix admin's wanton lust for cruelty.

Anyways, as a student, my issue was this - set the damned ulimit so that my editor session doesn't get wiped with my homework -- you can't argue for frequent backups when more than 0 seconds of hard work are arbitrarily on the line solved by a simple config change.

But the UNH unix admin guy replied to me and told me that yeah, he knew about ulimit back when I was in diapers, but he wasn't going to change it up. And a few more times that semester, I lost a couple lines of uncommitted code due to some clown pressing enter on a dare.

Fork ya later,

Comment Re:I avoid it (Score 0) 352

Does it make one a bad person to consider that a random anonymous online stranger's good will is without merit, to continue accepting that the negative droves of random anonymous online strangers hatred is also without merit? By accepting the heartfelt connection of a random anonymous online stranger, must you accept as valid all the hate that comes from their counterparts?

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