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Comment makes it a comedy (Score 1) 449

usually it just makes me laugh. With an MSci in physics anything that doesn't work is just blatant. Typically movies are full of unrealistic bits and it all ads up to help not take it too seriously. Turning action and adventure movies into comedies.

Comment Beta around for a while (Score 2) 67

My attention was drawn a little while ago to the beta of this being around in the uk I downloaded it, and gave it a go and was pleased with the results, but wouldnt use it myself. Pro: The video quality was very good, and i had no latency issues, i tried out a racing game and an action game, both fast paced and i had no issue with input latency. It's clearly a fantastic way for those with lower end graphics cards to play games, You can also pay less than full price for games in exchange for access for a limited period, i.e rental for games you might only play through once. Con: You have to buy your games again to use within OnLive, which can then only be used in onlive. So you may have to pay again fro games you already own, and if you ever leave onlive youd have to buy again to regain access. Bandwidth. The video resolution was good but used every byte of my 10Mbps connection, rendering it unusable for anyone else, or if others used it i'd see a reduction in quality. Note the implications of 4.5+GB/hr for those with caps When my provider throttled me to 2.5Mbps, quality was noticably reduced (though latency was still good) and eventually onlive game up, stating i had insufficient speed. This is a fantastic concept, but as others have highlighted it effectively becomes another form of DRM, but allows gaming on non-gaming machines at good cost

Comment Re:Diffraction? (Score 2) 78

If you crunch the numbers, the pixel density is equvilant to a 90 megapixel full frame sensor. The calculator on the page on diffraction on cambridge in colour suggest that this only becomes diffraction limited at about f/5.6 The pixel size is about 10um^2, which is larger than that of most compact point and shoot cameras

Comment Re:Bad Premise (Score 1) 225

Or, show me an experiment that an online program has better interest-level and/or student outcomes (from the same population of student).

Like the hole in the wall experiments?:

Comment Re:Translation (Score 1) 220

They use fibre, and Ofcom recently tested a variety of ISP's, to find the average recieved speed from virgins 50Mbps connection was 44-47Mbps. The 100Mbps is unthrottled, and the 50Mbps comes with 5Mbps upload which is only reduced to 1.75Mbps for just 5 hours if you upload more than 6GB in a day. TFA says this p2p limiting is only between 5PM and midnight, the rest of the day you are free to upload pretty much as much as you want, i got through 3GB of seeding last night on their lowest package

Comment Open-ness is good (Score 2) 220

Atleast they are admitting to it. Virgin have for a long time openly displayed their traffic management policy ( which is very reasonable for all but the most hardcore bandwidth users, and they are regularly upgrading their upload and download speeds, so no crying about using this to avoiding network upgrades. This is all much better than 'fair use' policies or hard bandwidth limits.

Comment Bandwidth costs. (Score 2) 642

Could one motivation for ISPs to join be a reduction in bandwidth usage. We already hear about the massive amounts of it which streaming services such as youtube and netflix. There must be also a substantial amount dedicated to comparable adult sites. Block them by default and those who dont opt in for whatever reason wont get through so many GB each month, or each day depending on the user.

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