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Comment Re:Trial by fire... (Score 1) 115

I would think licensing wouldn't be much of an issue. Facebook probably maintain their own internal custom linux distro. GPL incompatibility between ZFS and the kernel presumably wouldn't be a problem as they wouldn't be distributing it to anyone else.

I could be wrong though :)

Comment Re:Sadly for Canonical... (Score 1) 155

Am I the only one who LIKES Unity?

Nope. I hated it at first, and held off really using it until 12.04. But it has steady improved and as I've got used to it I've come to like (most of) it.

I'm not emotionally invested in it though - every now and again I'll think I need to switch to something else and I'll go back to Debian with some other desktop, but the others just seem less polished and I end up back on Unity again.

It's not just me either - recent Ubuntu releases have meant the small software company I work for have gone from 5% Linux and 95% Windows to 80% Linux and 20% Windows over the last couple of years. Of the Linux desktops, they are all *buntu and about 80% Unity, 10% KDE, and 10% Gnome3.

Comment Re:this new interface... (Score 1) 61

"Why do people bitch about the NSA and still put their data in "the cloud"

Maybe because it won't matter. If the NSA wants it, they will just compromise your network and the desktops of your sysadmins and managers to get it.

I think I'd rather them just grab the data from the source without installing rootkits in my network ;)

(Yes I know they'd do both either way)

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