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Comment Re:Science at its best (Score 1) 291

Stop confusing media reports, scientist, and Doctors.

The problem is reporting on science is horrid. So 'hey this study contradicts these other studies' becomes the head line, people start assuming it rendered the previous studies moot.

YOU're look show a sever lack of understand of how science works.
Are you saying when a guy claims to find a thing all medical treatments should just jump on board?

"dozens more are easy to find"
doubtful. More likely dozens of things that fit you bias because they take time to confirm and create actual treatments for.

Comment Re:Brand that shit! (Score 1) 405

MS has the worse marketing people. Well, in charge. I would wager the actual staff is pretty good, and very frustrated.
I could make better commercials for MS products.
That doesn't mean I'm great, it means if I can do it, then sure as shit there are better executive then what they got.

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