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Comment Re:How does the quote go...? (Score 1) 267

It's a complete BS saying based solely on biased hind sight.

Because there are thousands of:

"First they ignore you, then you go out of business"
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then you go out of business"
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you go out of business"
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win., for a while."

Being around for a while doesn't mean what you peddle works.

The guy is right. Until they have a more affordable version, the with be a niche. Bugati is also a niche. Niche doesn't mean bad.

Comment Re:There Ain't No Stealth In Space (Score 1) 470

You're post is correct, except for:
"There is no stealth in space."

Actually there can be. Mostly by using weapon that look like asteroids, or loiter.
If you engines aren't running and you are just maintaining velocity, then you an be stealthy.
Stealth just means people do't know who you are or that you are a threat. You don't have to be invisible.

Also, the post you are replying to is either a troll, or some who doesn't understand physics at even an 8th grade level.
Anyone who bring feminism into a discussion about physics should just be dismissed, and preferable banned from posting under that story.

Comment Re:That depends upon the writer. (Score 1) 470

Fermi (Hart) Paradox isn't.

Space is big.
There is no reason a specie will continuously expand.
The universe is to young to expand everywhere with even the most hypothetical technology.
And if you only expand as needed, and you are expanding in the sphere, then the more you expand the slower you need to expand... as an average.

Comment Re:Babylon 5 Starfury (Score 1) 470

B5 had the worst space physics. Completely impractical, too slow, and it would smoosh a humans brains.

And the way to generate gravity? Completely wrong. A giant spinning ring does not create gravity.

I like the character and stories, so it was a win overall.

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If I set here and stare at nothing long enough, people might think I'm an engineer working on something. -- S.R. McElroy
