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Comment Geek Bingo Card (Score 3, Insightful) 275

I keep of top-5 list of dumb geek myths, and "I want robots to go fight wars for me instead of our sons" is #3 on that list.

People don't submit to perceived tyranny because their material stuff got destroyed; rather, the opposite.

"What robot soldiers could do is just as scary, though: Make outright colonialism a practical option again."
War Nerd, 2014-02-13

Comment Official Support Said the Opposite (Score 3, Informative) 32

I emailed the official support contact to ask about this yesterday, and they explicitly said in highlighted text that they would delete any such YouTube videos.

Received 2023-05-16 @3:05 PM ET:

Thank you for contacting Google Support.

I understand you have a question about specific details of which data and content is permanently deleted if your Google Account is deleted and I am more than happy to help with this today.

If your Google Account is deleted, all data and content are deleted permanently, *that includes, but is not limited to, your uploaded YouTube videos.* For more info, go to the Inactive Google Account Policy in the Help Center. In there you will find an article about How to download your Google data if you wish to save the video before an account deletion.

(Emphasis theirs.)

Comment Re:It does make sense (Score 1) 150

I agree with this. A major problem with SO (and Stack Exchange in general) is that people really like easy questions that they can answer in a few lines, show off how smart they are, and quickly scoop up some points. They seem to get cranky if a hard question is posed -- esp. from a new poster.

On that subject, amusingly, I'm actually currently banned from posting questions on SO because I have a history of low-rated questions. Even though, e.g., my last question provoked a personal response from the IDE's primary maintainer, and after a few comments they realized the software had a bug they needed to fix in the next release. Nonetheless that question was low-rated -- b/c no one else could solve it -- and it wound up triggering an automated suspension of my account.

Comment Re:Two sided response [Re: Wow.] (Score 2) 207

Coincidentally, on Friday (before anyone saw this article) I was talking to a married couple of friends of mine, who work at two separate fully-remote companies. I brought up the IBM chairman's statement the other day against remote work. And my friends pointedly said they couldn't imagine why anyone would not do full-remote nowadays, specifically for the case of startups.

Why spend the majority of your investment on office space that does no one any good? Why not spend it all on acquiring the best talent, anywhere in the country/world?

Comment Re:Unpopular opinion (Score 1) 184

There's a fair point here, even if I don't have exactly the same experience.

As a fantasy reader, I've found that the golden age was pulp fantasy where the core works were short stories published in monthly pulp magazines. They're dense, snappy, and risk-taking. The problem is that as a publishing concern the industry found you needed a certain 200-300 page count to make it worthwhile binding and putting something on the shelf. So yes, writers commonly took popular short stories and bloated them up (or pasted them together) to make novel-length works.

It's still very common for a highly popular magazine article to get picked up by a publisher and inflated into a book. I keep wishing there was a business case in the internet era for short stories to make a comeback.

Comment Bullshit disinformation (Score 1) 184

This is bullshit misinformation.

I have multiple volumes by Foucault and de Beauvoir on my shelf, and I've never encountered even the slightest whiff of any such topic. I mean, the word "queer" doesn't even appear anywhere on de Beauvoir's Wikipedia page. (I'm not LGTBQ myself, I have their works for other subjects.)

Cite or STFU.

Comment Registrations up at my college (Score 3, Informative) 222

At the community college in NYC where I teach, registrations for spring 2023 are up and exceeded all of the college's target numbers. My own classes are filled to capacity for the first time since the pandemic. So it's possible this article is being written just as the situation turns a corner.

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