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Comment Re:It's our fault the program is over (Score 2) 80

That's pretty much my point. I doubt many Americans WANT a huge department of justice/prison-filling-machine but many Americans continue to go with the status quo instead of demanding change. I'm of the opinion that our democracy is failing principally because the people won't get (and stay) engaged on matters of substance.

Comment Not a good long-term move (Score 1) 538

I work in the healthcare vertical. I've seen 2 major health systems attempt this form of outsourcing over the last few years. In both cases, the short-term cost savings were far outweighed over the long term by down times and a complete lack of true integration between the tech implementers and the business units (e.g. doctors and nurses).

This is the exact opposite of the experience detailed in TFA.

You think your IT is glacial? Try to get an IT org to move for you when they don't even work in the same company. Lawyers can sue to enforce the contract and all that, but by the time your case gets to court you've already lost your competitive advantage.

Comment Re:Lost interest when I saw the feces trailer (Score 1) 462

It's due to the ongoing pussification of our society. Everything must be hyper politically correct for anyone to be allowed to say they enjoy it. We DO enjoy high- and low-brow humor. We're just not allowed to admit it in public, else someone will sue or publicly shame you. For example, if you say, "DNF was mildly enjoyable", a common response from the politically correct crowd might be, "Well, that means you like murdering rape victims. You're a monster and you don't deserve any cake*". Most people decide to keep their mouth shut, and the vocal minority who run all things politically correct win. This is a slight tangent but I think this concept actually makes us less "free" than people in countries where sticks are not surgically implanted in their asses at birth.

On topic, I've played through about half the game. It's a barely average shooter with a few chuckle-worthy moments - all due to "childish" humor. I am enjoying the game as much as I enjoyed playing the last Call of Duty game though, because DNF has more personality and is completely not serious in how it presents itself. I can actually *gasp* mindlessly relax in this game. Call of Duty, et al, are SRS BZNS and it takes more mental energy to play them through.

That said, the game is not worth $60, even the PC version I'm playing. I bought it on Steam for $44US and I think that's overpriced, too.

*Please note that the cake is actually a lie.

Comment Re:5 Over (Score 1) 717

"And I am somewhat likely to do something passive-aggressive, like slow down a little bit, to piss you off some more."

If it weren't for people like you, policing the world, we'd have all killed ourselves long ago. Bravo, sir, for doing what the driving laws say you're supposed to do: be a vigilante.

Comment Re:got spyware? (Score 1) 761

The Castle Doctrine in my state makes it clear that deadly force may not be used to protect property - only life. If you tried that here in Ohio you'd be on trial for attempted murder (if your aim sucks) or murder (if it doesn't). I'm guessing you can kill over property crimes in ...Texas?

eLEGS Exoskeleton Allows Paraplegics To Walk 56

Zothecula writes "At a press conference held recently in San Francisco, California's Berkeley Bionics unveiled its eLEGS exoskeleton. The computer-controlled device is designed to be worn by paraplegics, providing the power and support to get them out of their wheelchairs, into a standing posture, and walking – albeit with the aid of crutches. The two formerly wheelchair-bound 'test pilots' in attendance did indeed use eLEGS to walk across the stage, in a slow-but-steady gait similar to that of full-time crutch-users."

Submission + - "Do-it-Yourself" Botnet Kits Gain Momentum (

wiredmikey writes: "do-it-yourself" botnet kits provide malware creators the tools required to build and administer a their own botnet. These botnet kits are by no means new to the market, but have gained serious momentum recently. The botnet kits even include an easy to use control panel application to maintain/update the botnet, and to retrieve the captured information. A configurable builder tool allows the author to create the executables that will be used to infect victim's computers.

These ZeuS/ZBot trojans are typically spread via spam and black hat SEO poisoning, appearing to come from legitimate sources, asking recipients to click on a link which installs the malware and then sits silently, waiting for users to enter in their credentials to particular sites such as an online banking site

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