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Comment Re:Maybe not such a good Idea (Score 1) 187

While running Windows software updates and program installs on the 6 dozen iMacs in my University's labs, one in five would blue-screen during the 5 hour upgrade process after imaging. This was Windows 7, and it was this year. Admittedly, the blue-screen rate is better on Win7, but I wouldn't call 1 in 5 to be non-existent nor would I dismiss others' reports just because you've had good luck with your hardware and drivers.

Comment Re:Varies from about 20-30 minutes (Score 1) 353

As a cyclist, I can say that many of those swerves are to avoid road conditions that would send us over the handlebars and under your back tire. Our bikes aren't designed for potholes, grape sized rocks, man holes, and large cracks. Sure, we can buy bicycles that can handle some of those obstacles, but imagine having to push your SUV up a hill as opposed to pushing you porsche.

Comment Re:Oh shit! (Score 1) 360

PulseAudio is just an ALSA cult that thinks more that one application should be able to send sound to the audio devices. And for those unaware of the the history, ALSA was the result of a schism where OSS committed sacrilege against the holy gospel and forsake free open source, thus the believers were left to roll their own audio.

Comment Re:They STILL have the BEST KEYBOARD (Score 1) 299

I liked my Android G1 keyboard and the old Sidekick 2 keyboard better than my blackberry. Pretty much the only thing I liked about the blackberry was the battery life and the alarm clock. But, I doubt the battery would last as long as it did if I actually could use my phone.

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