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Comment Re:And? (Score 4, Insightful) 93

When has google sued someone for software patent infringement? i can't recall a single case that wasn't in self defense.

Microsoft on the other hand, has been known for suing outright as well as shady deals like SCO, Nokia and other scummy tactics.

Luckily, Microsoft is circling the toilet bowl and won't be relevant years from now.

Comment Re:How important is that at this point? (Score 2) 197

See you've just proved me correct.

  complaints from users about the name (VERY unprofessional and immature, BTW)
the shitty interface (and it is *epically* shitty, make no mistake about it)
  the buggy implementation.


Which is okay but it's not GIMP's fault that it isn't a Photoshop clone.

Comment Re:How important is that at this point? (Score 1, Insightful) 197

The issue is that people learn Photoshop, they don't learn the fundamentals for the tool.

So they switch to GIMP and then find it's horrible because their skills don't transfer and they cry on the internet that "GIMP SUX" because they don't want to relearn anything. This is even worse in a business situation because relearning things pushes back deadlines and impacts quality.

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