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Comment Re:But why (Score 1) 110

.co is short for COmpany or COmmercial depending on your viewpoint. The purpose of DNS is to organise things neatly. So, in the correct spirit of this the UK name space has a nice organised set of sub-domains (see above or below for someone posting the Wikipedia list of them). Because people are stupid/lazy they don't want to learn to understand why this is good, and someone proposed flattening the layout for DNS at-large (the proposed .apple .microsoft etc.) and Nominet thought maybe they should do the same with their bit of it.

Comment Re:Ahh, the razors edge... (Score 0) 145

English is beautiful in part because it is a mongrel collection of other languages and is never afraid to borrow a word or idea from somewhere else if it is needed. Part of the beauty is in the lack of stupid restrictions, and the fact that you can write the same sentence in more than one way, changing around word order, syntax, choosing from several different words with the same meaning etc.

Comment Re:mouses? (Score 1) 913

In this case nanospook is correct. The plural of a normal mouse is mice, the plural of a computer mouse is also mouses.

" (plural mice or mouses) a small handheld device which is moved across a mat or flat surface to move the cursor on a computer screen:"

I guess you have a dictionary available but don't use it.

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