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Comment Enkin (Score 1) 110

Back when Google was running the first round of the Android programming challenge, a lot of excitement was generated by an augmented reality app called Enkin. To everybody's surprise, it didn't make it into the first round of finals, and seemd to disappear from sight. Turns out that Google had some other plans for them.

I did see one AR app in action on a G1, but I don't remember what it was called. The results were so-so... Hit and miss, sometimes it would get the buildings right, sometimes it wouldn't. But AR is definitely a very appealing possibility, and it'll probably improve very quickly. All the basic bits seem to be there.

Comment Re:What is process architecture? (Score 1) 505

In the same way, a process can grow and grow, but as soon as it completes (you close a tab in the browser), the memory will go back to the operating system so other processes can use it. But if the process does not complete because it uses threads to build those same tabs, then the process will continue to take up that memory.

Huh? It will only continue to take up the memory if the thread leaks memory. If the thread manages its local memory properly, then after it finishes, the process will only take up the shared memory + local memory for every active thread. Or, to use your analogy, the house will shrink.

Now, if you're contending that proper memory management is not entirely trivial, I agree


Submission + - SpaceX Falcon 9 - Flight 1 Update (spacefellowship.com) 1

Matt_dk writes: "Engine testing for the inaugural Falcon 9 flight proceeds at a rapid pace with no major problems or concerns. Six of the nine first stage flight engines have completed acceptance testing and all nine flight engines are on schedule to complete acceptance testing by mid July. Since that time, our RP-1 system has become operational, the cryogenic Liquid Oxygen handling system is nearing completion, and we have completed construction of our horizontal vehicle integration hangar. The Transporter Erector is getting reassembled into flight configuration and will be back into system level testing in mid-July."

Submission + - Kilometre-high waves flow in Saturn's rings (cosmosmagazine.com)

An anonymous reader writes: NASA's Cassini probe has uncovered for the first time towering vertical structures in Saturn's otherwise flat rings that are attributable to the gravitational effects of a small moon.

"We thought that this vertical structure was pretty neat when we first saw it in our simulations," said John Weiss, the paper's lead author at the Cassini Imaging Central Laboratory for Operations in the U.S. city of Boulder, Colorado. "But it's a million times cooler to have your theory supported by such gorgeous images. It makes you suspect you might be doing something right," added teammate and co-author Carolyn Porco.

Comment Hehe (Score 1) 383

I failed to notice that on the frost piss, but saw it somewhere below. I thought "wow, look at this mean hax0r, he's got his own anonymous handle on Slashdot". It turns out it's just Slashdot farting once again. How disappointing.

Comment Performance? (Score 2, Informative) 341

Intel's integrated graphics performance has been pretty progressively worse ever since switching from XAA, and rather abysmal ever since Xorg 1.5. Since then every release of X/mesa/xf86-video-intel made it even worse. Hopefully this release brings the entire GEM/UXA/KMS/whatever stack to a usable state. All this on a 945GM.

What's your experience with it so far? I'll try it out myself in a few days, but I'm eager to hear the results...


Submission + - T-Mobile's data confirmed genuine

omuls are tasty writes: T-Mobile have first confirmed that the leaked data, posted on the Full Disclosure list over the weekend, is genuine. Later, however, they downplayed the incident and denied any leak of information whatsoever.

It does seem that the data is genuine, but its origin and the potential scope of the breach remain unclear. Security experts seem to agree that the probability of hackers owning sensitive information is low. E-mails sent to their address bounce.

Comment And a link to his page (Score 1) 413

Ligesh has (had) a blog with an about page. Sounds a bit f**** up.

A number of hosts have been hit by this, see e.g. this post at WHT. The software itself is apparently closed source (i.e. obfuscated source). Based on what I read, it was also quite cheap (speculations were ~50 cents for a single VPS), so most budget VPS providers used it.

This includes 2host, where I got an account a few days back. A few hours later I got an e-mail saying they disabled the HyperVM panel. Nice.

Comment Arch Linux (Score 1) 195

I'll get off your lawn since I only started using Linux since 1.0.8 ;)

Might wanna try out Arch Linux. It kind of reminds me of Slack - just with a proper package manager and without an opinionated (B)DFL. BSD-style init, everything is generally real easy to configure by hand, and the packages are pretty close to vanilla. They are binary so usually you don't have to waste time compiling them yourself, but when you need to, it's real easy - their "automated build system" (ABS) is mighty cool. The base install is minimal, but they're not too obsessed with freedom, so you get a completely usable desktop with the default repos, and there's also a huge community-provided repository.

It's a rolling release though, so stuff does occasionally break. Still, by far my favorite modern desktop distro (I also tried Fedora, Ubuntu and OpenSuSE)


Submission + - Hackers Claim to Hit T-Mobile Hard (channelinsider.com)

dasButcher writes: "Hackers are claiming to own T-Mobile USA's servers and have access to the cellular phone carrier's operations, finance and subscriber data. Larry Walsh is blogging on the alleged incident, and says T-Mobile is mum. Film at 11, apparently. http://blogs.channelinsider.com/secure_channel/content/data_security/early_reports_of_massive_t-mobile_breach.html"

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