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Comment Meh. Just use systemd (Score 0) 135

Guys, i'm deeply interested in why folks are still up-in-arms about systemd.

* Easy manifest to control processes and how they startup/run
* Manages logs for you (no more logrotate and kill -USR1 hackyness unless your app has complex logs like nginx,etc)
* Unified ecosystem, no more writing init scripts that may or may not work on Debian vs RedHat vs Ubuntu vs Arch

* Gotta learn systemctl nginx restart vs service nginx restart (unless you're on Fedora/CentOS/Redhat which offers compatibility wrappers)
* Gotta learn to journalctl -u nginx vs grep /var/log/nginx/server.log for stderr/stdout from nginx. Otherwise logs are still at /var/log/nginx

The cons are pretty small and silly vs all the huge Pros. Is there *really* still a group of "get off my lawn" BOFH's which are driving this insanity?

Submission + - Haiku R1/beta1 released (

GuerillaRadio writes: "Itâ(TM)s been just about a month less than six years since Haikuâ(TM)s last release in November 2012 â" too long. As a result of such a long gap between releases, there are a lot more changes in this release than in previous ones, and so this document is weightier than it has been in the past. The notes are mostly organized in order of importance and relevance, not chronologically, and due to the sheer number of changes, thousands of smaller improvements simply arenâ(TM)t recognized here.

Please keep in mind that this is beta-quality software, which means it is feature complete but still contains known and unknown bugs. While we are mostly confident in its stability, we cannot provide assurances against data loss."

Comment Re:Whooptie doo (Score 1) 234

Err.. You do realize the difference between a website and an operating system... right? You're free to use whatever search engine you want.. and google can say whatever they want. Most users don't have an operating system choice.

There have already been (won) anti-trust lawsuits against Microsoft for this exact behavior.

Comment Re:Nintendo's current business strategy (Score 3, Insightful) 296

Well, if you're that upset, go and create your own content, than you can do whatever with it you like.

I actually do... Everything I do is Open Source MIT license :-)

It's up to the creators to decide how they want to provide/sell it, not up to you.

I actually agree wholeheartedly. However, most revolutionary works these days get sucked up by corporations and owned "indefinitely". Walt Disney died in 1966 and the Disney company is still sucking on his teet 52 years later... how is that "compensating the creator?"

Comment Re:Nintendo's current business strategy (Score 5, Interesting) 296

You do realize that copyright law originally didn't exist indefinitely.. right? Blame the Disney's of the world for drawing it out indefinitely. The original copyright terms covered the author long enough to gain a decent living for his lifetime (and the lifetime of his family) So many derivative works stand on the shoulders of the works that came before. Now as a culture, we are essentially locked into an endless cycle of large corporations sucking up ideas and "owning" them indefinitely.

Comment Get off my lawn Python kids. (Score 1) 300

I'm frustrated that an entire generation of programmers seem to turn to Python for *EVERY* task. It drives me nuts. Python is a scripting language... stop trying to write applications in it that do *really* complex or large scale things. I'm starting to step over so much poorly written python code in my career in places it doesn't belong. We have so many great compiled languages now for big data or complex tasks such as golang and Rust... use the right tool for the job dammit. Get off my lawn.

Comment Words of wisdom from a successful ICO (Score 1) 122

The only good ICO's are the ones that give a fixed group of people coins as an initial air-drop to bootstrap the ecosystem. Hold onto those "free" coins until they have value and the coin is tested for reliability. Once you feel comfortable with it a year or two later, then you can begin investing. Did this for Decred... no regrets.

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Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
