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Comment Slashdot - interview this man (Score 1) 203

Whatever you may have to say about Kim's past activities, his character, his figure or his motivations here, he appears to be pulling out all the stops on Mega.

Lawmakers can and will work around him, inventing new charges to encompass anything he pulls, and when they can't react quickly enough enforcement will simply flout their own laws to suckerpunch him (as has already happened).

So Kim's fighting them on his own playing field: technology. From this angle, he seems dead intent on Getting It Right and making Mega impervious to ISP blacklisting, server confiscation, and the inevitable vandalism/wholesale destruction that comes when you stand up to the mob.

Mega could be the model for a new Internet. Encrypted end-to-end, truly distributed and thus truly resilient.

Slashdot, interview this man!

Comment Re:Well? (Score 2, Informative) 85


Yahoo is actually really big over there. eBay exists, but may as well not: Yahoo! Auctions is overwhelmingly dominant in online auctions. Yahoo! Shopping takes the role of Amazon.com. (Amazon itself has a presence also, and it isn't too shabby.) And Yahoo! Japan is also a broadband provider with a lot of mindshare.

They've diversified. Wisely so.

Comment Re:Huh (Score 1) 287

The MG 34?

From Wikipedia:

The MG 34 combined four substantial advantages over other machine guns: 1. mobility, being light enough to be carried by a single soldier; 2. an astonishing rate of fire of up to 800 to 900 rounds per minute; 3. the ability of the gun to sustain that fire; and 4. an effective range of over 2,000 meters.

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If a thing's worth doing, it is worth doing badly. -- G.K. Chesterton
