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Comment Re:Syntax and typo errors compile (Score 1) 757

(x+y)+z != x+(y+z); - correctly evaluates to false in C, the parentheses can safely be ignored because they are redundant and make no difference to the outcome.

I think the parent was assuming that x, y, z could be function calls with side effects.

x = x++; is basically undefined - How so?

x is modified twice in the expression without a sequence point. There are two ways code could be generated:

Set a temp variable to the value of x
Increment x
Assign the temp variable to x


Assign x to x
Increment x.

Both are legal. Actually, since the behaviour is formally "undefined behaviour", the compiler is free to generate code to do anything or nothing.

Comment Re:I feel dumb... (Score 1) 101

I had a look at their home page and it looks like some sort of technical blogging and news site. The fact that nobody who has commented on this story seems to know who they are (or were) is probably a clue as to why they have gone tits up.

Comment Re:The problem (Score 1) 194

Furthermore the Americans solved the 4-rotor problem (even harder), something the British were not able to do.

That's bullshit. The British knew exactly how to crack the four rotor problem: they needed bigger and faster bombes, but they didn't have the resources with which to build them. In fact, by using some tricks, they were able to have some success with the existing equipment, but a permanent solution was only arrived at when the USA joined the war. An agreement was reached to share cryptanalysis efforts and the Americans with their enormous resources and significant design input from the British were able to build the required bombes.

Comment Re:Forced benevolence is not freedom (Score 1) 551

Actually, in your scenario, the source code does not lose its "freedom", but the derivative work never gets it. This means that the changes never get back to the community, but the original code is there as fee as ever.

It's important to note that I can take a piece of GPL software and modify it and still not give the changes back to the community. In fact, even if I distribute my modified software, I only have to give the changes to whomever I distribute it to. Of course, I can't then stop them from giving it away to anybody who asks.

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