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Comment Re:Jeering From the Sidelines (Score 1) 383

That's not at all what I said.

Then you jump on the coattails in your next sentence! You have also been straining mightily to imply it in the rest of your posts here, falling back on an undisputed but narrow factual claim when pressed - a near-perfect example of the Motte and Bailey fallacy. Your frequent invocation of the origins of the scientific method only underscores by contrast how little a role contemporary academic philosophy played through the scientific revolution - as I said in my reply to your 'architects' post, scientists were not waiting around for Popper et. al. to show them the way; the philosophers merely described what science was doing. And if you keep on insinuating that science is forever in the thrall of philosophy because of the origins of the scientific method, I will have to look up the name of that fallacy.

Comment Re:Trust the philosopher, my foot! (Score 1) 383

Do you think it's a dick-measuring contest?

Don't attribute your misunderstanding of the issue to me (I am guessing that you have misunderstood it because your examples are not relevant to the relationship between the scientific method and philosophy, but instead look like an attempt to claim an extra couple of mm for philosophy.)

As for ignorance, humanity had no idea of how much it did not know until science got going.

Comment Re:Jeering From the Sidelines (Score 2) 383

I have addressed your architects claim elsewhere:

Philosophers did indeed get science going, but there is a great deal of coattail-riding in suggesting that current science is dependent on, or a consequence of, current academic philosophy.

Comment Re:Trust the philosopher, my foot! (Score 3, Insightful) 383

But science has moved ahead of academic philosophy. Popper et. al. were, at best, describing how the science of their time and before was practiced, and if they had not been there, science would still have been the most amazingly productive human activity in history. It's not as if scientists were sitting around waiting for philosophers to figure out how to proceed.

Comment Re:ObXKCD (Score 1) 90

Reductionism has its limits - for example. while I have no doubt that the history of life on earth can in principle be described purely as a sequence of physical processes, a theory of evolution works at an appropriate level of abstraction and provides much more insight.

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