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Comment Re:It's not bad diets, it's inactivity. Grant mone (Score 3, Insightful) 663

A common, but simple error. Muscle weighs more than fat. If you strength train, your muscles will constantly be repairing themselves well after you've done strength training. This repairing burns far more calories than the initial 900-1400. It will be far more than that.

Phelps spent at a minimum of 5-6 hours in a pool a day. His routine (assuming what is listed is correct) highlights all of the stuff he does http://workoutinfoguru.com/mic... If you're spending 5-6 hours swimming then you need to consume 10,000+ calories. Looking at Phelps diet he's eating a lot of grains, an energy drink, and could most definitely eat those pizzas you're referring to.

He also incorporate compound lifts into his training. Compound lifts include the bench, pull ups, push ups (really just a bench), squats, and deadlifts. These work the most muscles in your body and give you the most bang for your buck.

Word of advice for you to help speed up your fat loss. Stop looking at your overall "weight" and saying I need to lose X. Weight is a cumulative number that fails to show the full picture. Instead, find out what your body fat percentage is. This number is what you really need to focus on and bring down. Muscle is infinitely more attractive than adipose tissue.

Next eat a diet high in protein. Pick either animal fats or carbohydrates. If you pick both you will get fat. One of the other. If you lack self control, consider trying the paleo diet. This will force you onto a high protein and fat diet while lowering your carb intake.

Good luck, personal fitness is a goal that every one should esteem to be the best at. People instinctively follow those who are in better shape.

Comment It's not bad diets, it's inactivity. Grant money? (Score 2) 663

A diet isn't inherently bad when you're expending that energy through physical exertion. A power lifter can drink a coke and not have any issue whereas a sedentary programmer whose maximum amount of exertion for the day was climbing into his car not so much.

Calories in / calories out. You want to eat trashy feel good diets, then exert that amount of energy in your day so it won't matter. Otherwise, get your diet in check.

A super secret weight loss tip: Strength training is a far more effective means of losing weight than cardio and way less miserable.

Comment Captain Obvious? (Score 1) 120

It's like these people have never been to an airshow or close to an airport. Of course the pressure from a sonic boom can disrupt a drone. Ok ok so they took it a step further and are using frequency resonance to crash the drone. This sounds more like poor design on the part of the drone manufacturer, similar to the square windows of the De Havilland Comet.

Next up, American researchers discover that heavy turbulence can disrupt drones paid for by a $350 billion dollar military science grant!

Comment They've Digg'd themselves (Score 1) 581

I love corporate drama like any other guy, but this is starting to get ridiculous.

The corporate body is clearly WAY out of touch with its userbase. By banning the, "not so nice" content for an IPO they've alienated not only the trolls but the live and let be crowd which is way larger than the troll base could be. Imagine Slashdot pulling some stunt like that, there would be a massive move to the exit.

I foresee Reddit becoming a former shell of itself much like Myspace and Digg. Shame because there's quite a bit of archived content on it worth reading.

Comment Does this concern anyone else? (Score 4, Insightful) 144

I remember buying Grand Theft Auto 5 the day of its release and jumping right in. I loved all of the features and the advancement of the game. The story was great, but it felt shorter than the previous games especially San Andreas.

I went online and saw some people mentioning all of the mini games. "Go buy in game stock! Go do Yoga/tennis/pimp out your car/go do multiplayer."

Multiplayer! Awesome, just what I needed. However, GTA 5 multiplayer has so many stupid rules. You're telling me if i steal someone's car and blow it up it'll cost me money to replace it? The last kicker was the cost of property. $1.5 million for houses. Your mission payouts are only $1000 a pop too.

What's the point in grinding for all of this pointless crap in a video game when i can do all of this outside in the real world and grind for real? VR offers more of the same. So you spend 500 hours playing mini games in some VR Los Santos. What do you really have to show for it?

TL;DR: young guy realized that real life is the ultimate video game and went outside.

Comment Yawn all around. (Score 1) 36

Call me when they have a thrust and power system that is unlike anything before. A hoverboard requiring a track and super conductors is about as innovative as someone re-inventing the wheel. If it can't go anywhere but its track, it's a pointless gimmick.

Comment Rulemakers changing the rules (Score 1) 1032

He thinks he's clever by not paying. As it currently stands the federal government can garnish 15% of his social security, federal tax returns, and other sources of income to pay for his government backed student loans. Don't be surprised if the boomers vote in politicians who change that 15% to 100% in the not so distant future when all of those pension promises go up in smoke.

Comment The solution for Argentina is competent governance (Score 0) 294

Argentina needs a government that doesn't tax and borrow needlessly. However, this will be a great experiment for TPTB to see how to migrate to a truly cashless economy. Best to experiment on third world countries first before bringing the fireworks show to "established" countries. /sarc

Comment Re:Actions vs Words (Score 1) 525

What exaggeration? From every corner I see environmentalists want us to be vegans, use public transit, and rely solely on wind and power creation.

All of this sustainable energy (wind/solar) and eliminating fossil fuels disproportionately hit the poor more than someone like me. Everything from creation to delivery will cost more with pointless sustainables like wind and solar.

Also, what about animal proteins and fats? Supposedly we should stop eating meat and go all vegan seeing as the price for bacon, pork, steak, and chicken seem to always keep going up.

I guess your definition of pauper is different than mine. If eating animal proteins daily, using modern appliances, being able to buy cheap goods, and driving a car makes me a 1%er than i'll take my wasteful ways. Public transportation is my impetus for improving myself in this world.

Comment Actions vs Words (Score 4, Insightful) 525

I'm all for more sustainable industry and living, but what annoys me greatly is when some rich oligarch tells us that we should start living more sustainably. Yet he flew from his third house in the south of France, in his private jet, to said conference to give the speech. Those scientists, politicians, and their associated cronies are never subject to the brunt of their legislative powers.

You'll especially never see a fortune 500 C-level exec taking the sustainable route when it comes to their living.

I'd be more inclined to take a lot of their positions if they actually practiced what the preached. A lot of what I actually see from these people is, "austerity for you and not for me." Why should I live like a pauper so my neo-feudal Lord can consume more nice things for less?.

Comment Re: Overrated (Score 1) 200

Ugh, I can't stand people with that attitude. Ask them if they're comfortable with the government tracking everything they do, from phone conversations, to infrared monitoring of their house, and random photographing of them and their children going about their day.

If anything, the average American deserves whatever is coming to them for their apathy. It stinks, as it seems the only solution is to get out of the country. I don't want to be here when the rest of the world decides they want to sack Rome or when the Feds decide to go full 1984 on all of us.


Watching a "Swatting" Slowly Unfold 246

netbuzz writes That online gamers have been victimized has unfortunately allowed us to see what "swatting" looks like from the perspective of the target: terrifying and potentially deadly. A similar type of criminally unnecessary SWAT scene played out Saturday night when a caller to police in Hopkinton, Mass., claimed to be holed up in the town's closed public library with two hostages and a bomb. The library stands within eyesight of the starting line for the Boston Marathon. An editor for Network World, there by happenstance, watched for two hours, and, while it was a hoax and no one was hurt, his account highlights the disruption and wastefulness these crimes inflict.

Comment Unpopular opinion: we need less undergraduates (Score 4, Interesting) 397

Most people who are in college, shouldn't be attending. They aren't cut out for it (myself included). Once upon a time, most people didn't go to college and instead worked at a mill, factory, and the like when they graduated from high school. They were paid wages that helped keep them afloat as well as give them a good standard of living. This push towards a "service" economy has been nothing more than a cheap attempt to claim that manufacturing jobs aren't as good as white collar service ones. Service careers (including the almighty finance ones) should help service those who actually create things, IE industrialists and blue collar workers.

When you make everyone get a college degree for a dwindling supply of service jobs, you lower the quality of the degree program. STEM degrees are great because those who can't make it flunk. With humanities, so long as you parrot whatever talking point the professor is spouting you will get an A. If you offer a talking point that falls outside of the narrative the professor is pushing, good luck graduating. The humanities used to be the purveyor of rich boys and girls who weren't smart enough to cut it in the real sciences.

And finally, the quality of those liberal arts degrees has declined in a lot of colleges. Humanities degrees are nothing more than Marxist indoctrination diploma mills. The efficacy and not mention ROI on these humanity degree programs is questionable.

Why don't we clean up America's mediocre k-12 system first before we push kids into going to college to discover themselves to the tune of $20-30k per semester. Maybe promote American industry instead of allowing Wall Street to gut it?

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When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
