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Comment Re:The total misunderstanding of Agile. (Score 1) 349

Reading the summary, it's clear the problem is that people are confusing what it means to take an iterative approach to development.

Production code is production code, and they should never have stopped shipping production code. The amount of scrutiny/rigor applied to code shipped in an agile environment should not decrease vs. waterfall. You're just shipping smaller chunks a lot more frequently.

All this means test, test, test, the entire time.

Comment Re:Correct me if I'm wrong (Score 2) 248

Due to my moderation threshold missing the comment you were replying to, I had assumed that you were one of those fundie-athiests bringing up religion out of nowhere just to let everyone know how stupid you thought religion was.

But then I read the comment you were replying to and then yours made total sense.

Carry on.


Submission + - The real reason why the MPAA fears piracy (

NewtonsLaw writes: "I'm pretty sure that everyone reading this will be aware of the movie Iron Sky.

I've been waiting for a long time to watch this movie and finally it has been uploaded to YouTube so I watched it on the weekend.

As the title credits rolled, I rushed off and pre-ordered the BluRay disk of the movie, which isn't due for release here in NZ until December 14th.

I am proof that making your wares available for free can actually promote sales — but only so long as your content is good enough (which Iron Sky certainly is). So, perhaps the reason that the MPAA fears piracy is because it lets people see just how crappy most of their material is *before* they fork over their hard earned cash.

I blogged about this in more detail today"

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