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Comment IMHO. No, you do not. (Score 1) 1123

YMMV but I don't even have a High School Diploma, and have a well paying job in IT as a Systems Engineer/Admin. I get to go overseas to work with an expense account that pays for most everything. If you have a good outgoing personality, and have a real interest in what you do, you will succeed. I see too many drones that have Diplomas up the ying-yang, that got into the industry because "they thought IT was a good career choice" while absolutely having no interest whatsoever.

Actually, the most well paid (well into 6 figures) buddy I have doesn't have a High School diploma. On average everyone I know that doesn't have a Uni Diploma makes MORE than the ones that do. Again, YMMV.

Comment Re:Oh, get over yourself (Score 1) 556

YMMV, but I started on computers when I was 3. I'm 18 now and have been working for 4 years full time as a Systems Engineer/Admin (with a bit of Web Development in between).

I always had computers around me - ever since Windows 3.1 with disk drives, and the good old Caddy CD Drives. I was installing my own software by the time I was 5 1/2 (Math Blaster and Descent 1). When something didn't install properly, I tried to make it work somehow - usually resulting in having to reformat the machine. I used to take home old Motorola 68k Mac's (LC2, Quadro) in 4th grade and take them apart and hack them up. I got a hand-me-down Texas Instruments P133 laptop, then in 6th grade I finally got my first laptop - a P4 2.8GHz. I was running my own Linux servers by the time I was 13.

Ok, my point was - it is a good idea to nurture interest in computers at a young age. But there is no need to get your 2 year old a new computer. Just get your kid a used laptop on ebay. Something that will last a few years and sturdy. Or even a desktop might be good. Get a sturdy keyboard and mouse - maybe even a spill-proof washable keyboard so all that juice spilt over the keyboard mixed with the crumbs from those cookies won't seem so bad. At 5 or 6, get a really old used computer, and take it apart together and explain what everything does... even take the screws off the HDD to show the platters. Spread it over a couple days so it seems like a big 'special' project.

Comment Re:What a tool... (Score 5, Informative) 457

Does ANYONE actually read up on the whole case? Oh yeah, forgot which website I'm on :)

Check out the Wikipedia Page for the whole case.

last message sent by Evans read: "Everybody in O'Fallon knows how you are. You are a bad person and everybody hates you. Have a shitty rest of your life. The world would be a better place without you." Investigators did not find a record of this message.

It was NOT Lori who sent this message. It was Evans. In fact, if you do some quick Googling, you can find that it was in fact Evans who sent most of the messages! Sure Lori knew about all the messages and laughed, but she was not the one who sent them. It's because the stupid knob gobs who gave Evans immunity for testifying that Lori is getting prosecuted right now. They have to prosecute SOMEONE - the easiest and closest person to get anything to stick to was Lori.

Also, everyone is forgetting that Megan killed herself DIRECTLY after having a argument with her mother about profane language used on MySpace messages to "Josh". The mother scolded her emotionally unstable daughter and sent her to her room, where she proceeded to hang herself. Here is an excerpt from the Wikipedia page:

Other troubling messages were sent; some of Megan's messages were shared with others; and bulletins were posted about her.[4] After telling her mother, Christina "Tina" Meier, about the increasing number of hurtful messages, the two got into an argument over the vulgar language Megan used in response to the messages and the fact that she did not log off when her mother told her to.[4] After the argument, Meier ran upstairs to her room. She was found twenty minutes later, hanging by the neck in a closet.

Comment Re:End of story (Score 1) 181

I don't neccessarly agree with your '99% of internet users' comment, but I do agree with the 'patriotism based motivation' comment.

I'm half Japanese, and frequently go to Japan to set up infrastructures and do consulting. If you give any given Japanese techie two identical pieces of software (functionality-wise), and one is written by a Japanese author - they take the Japanese one. Even in the case where the Japanese version lacks in features, they would take that version. Every, single, person I've encountered uses some weird text editor that some guy in Japan wrote. And in most cases it's written years before and still uses SHIFT_JIS or EUC_JP encoding and doesn't work on a English OS system.

Comment Re:Actually, it's probably 3 or close enough (Score 1) 990

My question is: With the technology/information that is avaliable today, would a Neanderthal be able to become as smart as a Sapien is?

In other words, if there were two kids, one human and one Neanderthal with the complete same upbringing and education, would a Neanderthal be as smart as the human? And if yes, would the Neanderthal excel in certain areas more than the human? And where would the Neanderthal lack in processing power?

Maybe the Neanderthal would excel in problem-solving and social aspects, but would lack in areas such as math and science.

Comment Re:All the more reason not to buy an ipod/phone (Score 3, Insightful) 453

I own an iPhone, iPod, MacBook Pro.... but my servers run Linux and Desktop runs Windows. I'm not a Apple fanboy. Your entire kitchen may be built by Frigidare - does that make you an Frigidare fanboy?

There are some people in the world who choose practical functionality rather than that the "FOSS and Openness FTW!!!!" mentality. Windows for Games, Linux for Servers, and Macs for a Main Machine.

I know this may start a flamewar, but I have a feeling a lot of the iPod flaming comes from the fact that Linux doesn't support the iPod yet. I have yet to see anything come close to the iTunes & iPod combination, and I've owned players by iRiver, Sony and Archos.

Just my 0.02c.

Comment Re:Neuroscience, creativity and the brain (Score 1) 85

Wait, let me hook mine up too

$ cd /brain
$ ls
dev core.10002 core.10003 core.10004 core.10005 core.10006
$ cd dev/
$ ls -lha
drwxr-xr-x 22 kooty users 4.0K 2008-10-14 10:18 .
drwxr-xr-x 22 kooty users 4.0K 2008-10-14 10:18 ..
crw-rw-rw- 1 kooty users 1, 8 2008-10-06 18:29 random

AHA! That explains it :)

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IF I HAD A MINE SHAFT, I don't think I would just abandon it. There's got to be a better way. -- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.
