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Comment Re:Model M (Score 2, Insightful) 341

> Old keyboards even have a full size spacebar instead of those almost useless Microsoft mandated keys.

They're not useless! They're the meta keys. Just stick a penguin sticker on them, use them for shortcuts and voila, over 26 convenient new shortcut possibilities!

Comment Re:Doesn't matter in the end (Score 1) 472

Documenting code is useless, documenting code means something like this:

int i = 5; //Declare an integer called "i" and set its value to 5

I agree with the grandparent post that comments in the code with references to papers, the "why" or something, the design decisions, bug fix references, etc... is very useful.

Comment Re:Careful tiger, (Score 1) 71

Is this ever going to be used, and is this going to speed up people going to Mars?

I think that, if they NASA et al really wanted to go to Mars and actually do a mission, they'd have developed a proper space suit to match the mission pretty fast. They also managed to do everything for the Moon mission in the 60's, so ...

Comment Re:4k Monitor (Score 2) 137

Seriously, that is insightful? My desk is fine, I just like to put a lot of stuff on it. It has two desktop computers, both with a monitor. Also, a 27" monitor would be so wide that at the close distance I'm sitting from it it'd make no sense. I do think that makers of consumer electronics should adapt to the furniture of the consumers, not vice-versa.

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