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Comment haha.. the I.T Crowd (Score 1) 239

Newsreader: From today, dialling 999 won't get you the emergency services. And that's not the only thing that's changing. Nicer ambulances, faster response times and better-looking drivers mean they're not just "the" emergency services - they're "your" emergency services. So, remember the new number:
[singing number]
Newsreader: 0118 999 881 999 119 725... 3

Comment Re:Sorry, the Nexus One phone is not available... (Score 1) 568

it is true- I just tried to order one.. I thought i could get around it using web proxy (hide my ip etc) to defeat geolocation. It was fine until you have to sign in with your google account to order the device. Defeated again. I think I'll try again using a newly made google account and have the device shipped to a us po box. Unless they dont ship to PO!! Bleh!

Comment Re:more like an end run around Apple (Score 1) 361

Why do geeks need their Slashdot? Why do some people need FARQ or 4Chan or heaven forbid LolCatz?

Sometimes around our house attitudes get out of control or energy gets waaay to high that I want my kid to want to watch Dora or Backyardigans as it kind of helps settle her down.

Unfortunately without having On Demand I have torrented some of these episodes and keep them on the media server, click, play, crying stops or kid sits down for 5 minutes; It's amazing.

On another note would it be a fair assessment to say that because I pay for X cable/Satellite service that offers these shows I'm somewhat or absolutely entitled to being able to download rips of these episodes from the NET? Technically I'm paying for Y service so why not?

Submission + - Promising new Cell carrier for Canadians (windmobile.ca)

KingPin27 writes: Tho the news might not be new to some people the overall offerings of Wind Mobile might just be the breath of fresh air Canadians need. Wind mobile is an upstart Cell Phone carrier just coming into life on the East Coast. They are promising lower prices, no system access fees, and above average customer service. I for one an kind of excited for them, if they can deliver what they promise I would consider changing from my current provider in a heart-beat.

I wonder what experiences my fellow Slash-Dotters have in dealing with new cell phone carriers. The ideas themselves aren't new — what do you think about these promises and deliverables? Any chance these guys can make it in the market? Would you consider changing?

(BTW: I am not affiliated with this company in any way).

Comment Just Because... (Score 2, Insightful) 575

Just because communication at FTL speeds doesn't fit the model as we can understand it doesnt mean that it doesn't or cannot occur. We should stop dismissing ideas of science simply because they don't fit with what we believe should happen. It is entirely plausible that there are things that happen in the universe that we cannot yet mathematically explain - but because we cannot fully mathematically explain them they should not be dismissed.

Comment Whoops (Score 1) 248

so the next time one of your terrorist buddies gets married - instead of cans tied behind the hum-drum-v tie a couple blocks of C4 and let them drive away. next time this "glowgoo" is dropshipped you'll have a nice glown path back to your friends place.

I don't think this stuff is a good idea.

Comment awesome (Score 2, Funny) 133

This looks like a pretty good device. Tho i haven't heard much about them until recently I'm still pretty skeptical about their claimed lifespan - something that would be able to handle 24/7 consistent read/write for a number of years. The other thing that leaves me scratching my head is the missing DRAM cache -- I thought the need to store information then write it in buffer was kind of important especially with writing as fast as SAS is supposed to be able to transfer it. If these were hitting the shelves today i'd probably wait it out.

Comment interesting (Score 1) 334

Sorry for the double post but I was just going through the photos FTFA. Anyone else notice that the entrance in the foyer is all metallic and the roof is baffled. Also what looks like a giant exhaust fan in the center. I wonder --- if you get the passcode wrong, do you get tazed?

Photo here

Comment oi (Score 1) 334

I for one would really rather not be on the testing end of the

electronic equivalent of a claymore mine, which hurls dozens of electrified needles at the push of a button

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