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Submission + - Microsoft creates a Docker-like container for Windows (computerworld.com.au)

angry tapir writes: Hoping to build on the success of Docker-based Linux containers, Microsoft has developed a container technology to run on its Windows Server operating system. The Windows Server Container can be used to package an application so it can be easily moved across different servers. It uses a similar approach to Docker's, in that all the containers running on a single server all share the same operating system kernel, making them smaller and more responsive than standard virtual machines.

Comment Re:Mystery Solved (Score 1) 72

The governor’s order focused primarily on urban water use, even though California’s $45 billion agricultural industry accounts for the bulk of the state’s water consumption: roughly 80%

Source: http://www.economist.com/news/...

it's hard to get mad at farmers growing kale and artichokes.

No, its very easy to get mad. The government is clamping down on people who use 20% of the water . . . while leaving the Big Farming industry, who use 80% of the water untouched.

California needs to scale back on its farming industry. That's where the biggest savings in water usage could be made. The Feds could help out as well, by refusing to pay subsidies to farmers who try to raise crops in a desert.

Comment Re:Too bad it did not happen on Osama Bin Laden (Score 1) 250

Nope. The US would never have put Osama bin Laden on trial: It would have been a spectacular media circus, with every Muslim in the world cheering for the underdog Martyr.

I was much more expedient to shoot him, and toss him in the drink.

Hey, look at what Rolling Stone did with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev: They turned him into an idol for teenage girls. Imagine what they would have done with Osama bin Laden . . . ?

Comment Re:NIMBY strikes again (Score 2) 228

The American scientist and polymath Jared Diamond wrote a book, whose title is the solution to dealing with the Natives: "Guns, Germans, and Steel"

You can buy Guns and Steel, but Germans are the difficult one to get in the Beanie Baby set.

Also, German military policy is to only participate in wars which they start themselves.

(Joking aside, the German parliament gets their drawers in a not, with nasty debates, before they export a single H&K MP7 anywhere in the world.)

They also live on the beach and have nothing better to do all day than bitch, moan, and protest shit..

Strange . . . I could swear that you are describing the Greeks. Are you sure that you are really lived in Hawaii, and not Greece . . . ?

Comment Re:only government? (Score 1) 370

I usually do not respond to obvious trolls, but in this case I will make an exception.

Have you ever worked with Greeks on an IT project? I have. About three years, on an EU FP7 sponsored project. The "best" of Greece, people from Athens Technology Center (ATC) and the National Technology University of Athens (NTUA) were involved.

They were simply crap, to sum it up succinctly.

Now as to your points . . .

Grateful for being scammed and conquered?

No one forced Greece into the Eurozone. The government of Greece cooked their books to get in. If Greece wants out, don't let the door hit their ass on the way out. But if you owe the EU money, you had better be prepared to pay it back. No free lunch, you lazy mother-fuckers!

Eurozone is a brilliant trap, nothing more:

The Eurozone is for advanced economies . . . Greece is a Third World Country, although, they don't want to admit it.

2. Mandate that every nation must have a positive trade balance, which is of course impossible since they trade mainly with one another and every credit on one nation's balance sheet is a debit on another's.

Greece has such high unemployment . . . because the Greeks are unemployable. What can they do in one hour? Roll a few Dolmades? Germans would push off a Mercedes off the production line in that time.

3. As all economies weaker than your own fail one by one, "rescue" them with loans who's terms destabilize their society and further cripple their economy.

Sorry, but the Greek government did that to themselves . . . and their citizens . . . and the citizens got the government that they deserved.

4. Enjoy new colonial empire. Deutschland uber alles!

Germans would like nothing better than giving Greece the boot out of the Eurozone and the EU. And who is paying for everything in Greece right now? You should think twice about flipping Germany the bird.

Oh, and I am American, by the way . . . in case you were wondering.

Comment Re:only government? (Score 4, Informative) 370

A mere $10 billion?

The IMF, European Central Bank and the EU wasted 330€ billion on keeping Greece in the Eurozone, which is both impractical and impossible.

Although the 330€ billion is officially loans, that money ain't no never be coming back. And Greece will have to leave the Eurozone. Although the majority of Greeks would like to stay in the Eurozone, the fiscal policies of Greece's Prime Minister Tsipras and Finance Minister Varoufakis can only work if Greece has it's own currency to devalue. So the game is for Greece to exit the Eurozone, and that each side can blame the other for what happened.

Anyway, the politicians in the EU sold this 330€ billion bailout package to the public as necessary for the "security" of the Eurozone. In the US, the politicians sell the $10 million on failed projects as necessary for US military superiority . . . in other words, also as necessary for "security" of the US public.

Comment Re:School is Year Round and Life Long (Score 1) 81

Building a USDA / State inspected modern meat processing facility (a.k.a. butcher shop)

History, government, regulations, economics, business, math, engineering, material sciences, architecture, construction, plumbing, electrical, water supply systems, heating, ventilation, refrigeration, meat cutting and so much more...

Leatherface, chainsaw . . . ?

Comment Re:Seen on a Hat (Score 2) 421

MADD is the modern day Women's Christian Temperance Union: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W...

Those are the folks who brought Prohibition to the US, with disastrous consequences. They are just flexing their muscles a bit. After they successful ban powdered alcohol everywhere, they will start going after other fringe alcohol products, like Jello-shots, alco-pops or whatever those damn kids on my lawn are drinking these days.

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