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Comment Regulatory Requirements? (Score 1) 427

I am only guessing here as to why -- no sources and no research.

I am assuming there is more regulation and licencing required on electronic devices than power tools. Hence stricter requirements, increased labor to bring to market and liability concerns.
OR perhaps the cost of the cell used in laptops is higher from the battery manufacturer (he didn't mention individual cell size).

Of course, the other option is companies trying to make a few extra dollars/pounds/yen/etc. However, the author of TFA seemed to be on more of a rant than a research mission.

Comment Re:Summary of /. Reaction to Proposal (Score 1) 1124

Don't get me started with these bad car analogies. I'm still pissed about moving the high beam switch from the floor to a stupid stick on the steering column.

I keep getting my left foot caught in the steering wheel switching to low beams.

If I recall correctly from my Marine Corps days, the high/low beam switch is mounted on the floor in a HMMWV. Not sure about the consumer models (Arnold Schwarzenegger type, not the refrigerator-on-wheels).

Comment Re:I'll weigh in... (Score 1) 303

As a quick example off the top of my head, I'll take GNU's tar, cron (Solaris' doesn't even have */5 or @reboot), grep over Solaris' default equivalents. From my own experience, I don't find this "standardization" allowing much room for any kind of innovation.

Agreed. Solaris' cron is a bit of a hassle. But I edit cron as needed for projects. Not a HUGE impact on usability. It is Solaris at its core, so binary compatibility needs to stay in place for legacy support.
However, OpenSolaris also comes with GNU binaries (which are conveniently already in the default path). To differentiate, they are called gtar, ggrep, etc (mind you, not every single GNU tool is in there).

The utilities don't even have the past decade of enhancements we've seen on BSDs and Linux, never mind Ubuntu.

At a loss of what you mean here. ZFS, brandz/zones and crossbow are huge; not sure what is specific to them that is significant over OS.

I'm a Solaris admin; which can make me a bit of a Sun snob, but this was not meant to be a OpenSolaris is superior to Linux comment. They both have their place for each individual (I have tried both options, and continue to bounce between the two today). In my opinion, the Linux community could take something away from the OS communities rules on packaging. Find a compromise. I may just give StormOS a try to get the best of both worlds.

Comment I'll weigh in... (Score 2, Informative) 303

I have been using OpenSolaris development builds for over about a year now(?).

One thing I thing the Linux community could take from OpenSolaris is its concentration on the approval and standardization of applications, so long as you stay on the OpenSolaris repositories. There is pretty much one tool for each job. That's it -- generally speaking of course.
It is exactly why the Linux community shun it (cannot find binaries of specific software). When I use a Linux based OS, I feel the ADD in me kick in; too many options. I cannot imagine I am alone.

Anyhow, I think OpenSolaris is rock solid and a powerful option for people to try. It may not have all the bells/whistles of Ubuntu, but it aids me in getting my work done very efficiently.

FWIW, I purchased the Fluendo codec pack, which made a huge impact on usability -- I need my tunes while working. Well worth the money IMO.

Comment Re:data connection? (Score 2, Insightful) 194

Not sure why he states not to do that.
Granted, if the volume of traffic for a kindle goes way up beyond what Amazon and Sprint negotiated, there would be flags raised.
I'm sure there are some data usage catch-all's buried in the license agreement.

Comment Re:data connection? (Score 4, Informative) 194

I can't help but wonder - is the kindle's data connection still available?

And if so, on what end is the code that limits the kindle to accessing wikipedia and amazon?

It should be; the data connection (sprint) doesn't use an account-name system. It's based on hardware. The hardware hasn't changed, so one can assume connectivity will work.

Comment Re:Linux... (Score 1) 156

Large organizations and especially the government would disable sudo sysadmin_command for users (so, no apt-get/aptitude/etc..); furthermore, patches are tested prior to deployment; which happens on a scheduled basis. We all know how dynamic IT project management is...
They (IT) would have to work closely with a vendor, such as RedHat or Novell to manage patch rollouts.

Good bye quick and timely security updates.

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