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Comment Re:Do It, it worked in AZ (Score 2) 886

If you do not have the right to say "yes" or "no" that is not freedom, that is slavery.


Slavery is when one person is owned by another.

You are not a slave when your pizza boss tells you to take the trash out. You can refuse and be fired. A real slave does not have the option of being fired. Learn what slavery really is.

Are you done with the emo, now?

It is the threat of someone going to a court, ordering me to serve them, under threat of police action. That is wrong, we abolished that over a century ago.

Look up the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Not to mention your assertion is very dangerous; a sole proprietorship is a type of business. If a "business" can be required to serve a person, any individual can be required to serve a person.

You have no idea what you are talking about, do you?

No. Not "any individual".

Only those individuals who are operating a business and only in the operation of that business.

But you can't walk into a bakery and say "I want you to quote me a price on a cake! And it needs to be a similar price to $member_of_some_other_group! And..."

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Comment Re:Do It, it worked in AZ (Score 4, Insightful) 886

Suppose you owned a business, would you serve a white-hooded KKK Grand Wizard who came in for supplies for his next hate rally?

He would be asked to remove his hood upon entering the store.

If he did not remove it, he would be asked to leave. At which point he is trespassing if he stays.

If he did remove his hood then you'd have a funny story to tell all your friends about who the Grand Wizard is. Want to see it on CCTV?

Comment Re:Leave then (Score 1, Insightful) 886

So, as a business, you are being forced to associate with people.

I'm sure that, maybe, YOU would be able to think of a business (profitable) that did not have customers that could be referred to as "people" but as for me ... I have no idea what you're talking about.

But I don't think anyone has the right to dictate who they can or cannot refuse service to.

Then think about taxes.

Black people pay taxes. Those taxes are used to pay for the road in front of your business. And the cops who keep your business safe. And so on.

And you are going to take the services provided by the black taxes and then REFUSE TO SERVE THE PEOPLE PAYING THOSE TAXES BECAUSE YOU DO NOT LIKE THEIR SKIN TONE.

Fuck you and your fucked up ideas about YOUR "rights".

Read a history book.

Comment Re:I wonder how the Gen Con people would feel (Score 1) 886

When you say freedom and liberty, you mean certain people have a license to force people to participate in activities they find repulsive.

How is selling a CAKE "repulsive"?

The point is that the baker sells cakes ALL THE TIME. That is what the baker's business is about. Selling cakes.

But he refuses to sell a cake to person X because he does not like person X's race/creed/religion/etc. THAT IS THE PROBLEM.

Comment Re:Do It, it worked in AZ (Score 3, Interesting) 886

Doing business with whomever one wants, while denying to do so to others on whatever whim, is a fundamental tenet of freedom

Only in YOUR definition of "freedom".

In the USofA, your BUSINESS has to treat everyone the same. Regardless of race/creed/etc.

You can CLAIM that it is an infringement upon your "freedom" to have to serve black people in your business.

You can CLAIM that you should be "free" to only serve white people in your business.

But you would be wrong. And a bigot.

You do not have to invite a black person into your home. But you do have to serve him in your restaurant.

Comment Re:Leave then (Score 4, Insightful) 886

A Christian baker should not have to bake a wedding cake for a gay "marriage".

And a white baker should not have to serve a black customer, right?


Freedom of association. It's in the Constitution.

No one is forcing you to associate with anyone.

But as a BUSINESS, you will provide the same service to everyone regardless of race/creed/religion/etc.

You may not like being "forced" to serve black people.

You may believe that it is an infringement of your "freedom" to be forced to serve black people.

Fuck you.

Comment Re:Decoy (Score 3, Insightful) 200

Use a throwaway for traveling and upload to a 'cloud' drive during the trip.

Yes! Do that!

While you are travelling you are at higher risk for your stuff to be STOLEN.

So make sure that the thieves (or customs officials) only get hardware.

Learn how to securely access your files/data remotely.

Trying to be secretive with hidden partitions and such just runs the risk that you might encounter the one customs agent who knows something about computers. Be boring. Be the most boring person they've ever seen. Have NOTHING of interest to ANYONE on your systems. No pictures/music/movies/anything.

Comment Re:Headline Is Wrong (Score 3, Interesting) 667

Someone mod that up. It's better than TFA.

Speaking of, from TFA:

There are different dialects of English, all of which conform to grammatical structures.

He's got the dialect part correct. But he left out things like slang and local idioms and so forth.

But it is not possible for everyone, or the majority of educated users of the language, to be wrong on the same point at the same time.

"educated" ... that's the problem.

If you are "educated" then wouldn't you know the correct usage?

So he's falling back on whatever the majority (as he sees it) uses as being ... not incorrect.

But in the end, he's wrong. You can mix Yoda-speak/LOLcat with the latest slang and your friends will probably understand you.

But it will probably not impress when you use it on your resume.

Comment Re:OK, but... (Score 4, Insightful) 89

No. If X (not Hitler) is doing Y and Y is very bad then you should be able to explain how come Y is very bad WITHOUT BRINGING HITLER INTO THE DISCUSSION.

Dragging Hitler/Nazis into a discussion is a lazy way to try to claim some moral high ground.

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