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Comment Re:I've gotten 4 (Score 1) 210

I haven't gotten any of these calls either. I'm not saying that I want these calls to start coming in, but I'd sure have some fun with it if they did.

So, I wonder. I only have a cell phone... are those that are receiving these calls on a regular basis only getting them on land lines, or am I just lucky to not be getting them on my cell phone?

Comment Re:Not the usual way science is done (Score 1) 74

Drugs go through four phases of clinical trials, as required by the FDA.

That being said, the whole clinical trial process to get a drug approved by the FDA is pretty messed up. From how pharmaceutical companies are involved, how patients are (are not) qualified to participate, how adverse events aren't necessarily properly documented, the list goes on.

Comment Re:A few issues with this... (Score 2) 595

You keep asking for sources about whether or not compromises were made in testing accuracy to get it in the form of nail polish. I assumed you were just being lazy, because how could there not be a more in-depth article out there on something that's getting so much attention. Well, after a bit of searching, it appears you probably weren't being lazy... I couldn't find anything out there in the form of details. Maybe the detection rate isn't so great... or (god forbid) they're having difficulty with false positives or false negatives.

Comment Re:definition is clear (Score 1) 306

The phrase "programming language" is so vague that it's wide open for interpretation. That's why I'm not going to say you're wrong, which was my first inclination, but simply disagree with you.

My definition of a programming language is that which is compilable into machine-readable form.

Now you're going to say, "HTML can be compiled into machine-readable form, it's displayed on your screen, isn't it?!". Yes, the content that originated from HTML (and others) is displayed on your screen, but that's because the browser is interpreting the HTML and then displaying it. Like someone else already responded to you and said, HTML is data, or more specifically structured content.

An analogy that may help distinguish HTML (and CSS and the like) from what I consider programming languages would be to take printing a certificate using a word processor. The words and images you insert into the word processor isn't a "programming language". It's a "template" which is used by the printer in order to display the content (on paper), just like browsers that use the HTML to display the content (on the screen).
HTML tags for forms, different types of media, etc. kind of blur the lines a little bit because they instruct the browser to perform certain actions, but that doesn't invalidate the interpretation of HTML as a display template, or data.

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