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Comment Re:"A lot"? (Score 1) 189

I think their top sellers list only covers the last week or so, because most or all of the games on it were on sale last weekend.

There's lists of games that use DOSBox here and here. They're a year or two out of date but probably not far off, since most of the recent additions to are Windows games from the late 1990s or 2000s or modern indie games.

Comment Re:DOSBox? (Score 4, Interesting) 189

There's patches out there for DOSBox's dynamic recompiler, but they're for ARMv4 and I'm not sure how effective they are on the Pi's processor. My unscientific measurements put it somewhere around a low-end 386: Doom runs but isn't playable, while EGA sidescrollers are almost perfect with the occasional stutter. I haven't tried Wolf3D yet, though.

(I should point out this is in X on SlackwareARM which is probably one of the worst environments one could use for this sort of thing.)

Comment Re:Don't try it, it's illegal (Score 3, Funny) 328

I, personally, would rather spend my time doing something useful than watch television. In fact, I don't even own one.

I'm not an elitist. It's just that I'd much rather sculpt or write in my journal or read Proust than sit there passively staring at some phosphorescent screen. If I need a fix of passive audio-visual stimulation, I'll go to catch a Bergman or Truffaut film down at the university. I certainly wouldn't waste my time watching the so-called Learning Channel or, God forbid, any of the mind sewage the major networks pump out.

People don't realize just how much time their TV-watching habit -- or, shall I say, addiction -- eats up. Four hours of television a day, over the course of a month, adds up to 120 hours. That's five entire days! Why not spend that time living your own life, instead of watching fictional people live theirs? I can't begin to tell you how happy I am not to own a television.


Rusty Foster Isn't Dead 162

While he was vacationing with his wife, Kuro5hin founder Rusty Foster was killed — at least in the eyes of Facebook. NBC News details how it happened: a "pal" pranked both Foster and Facebook by notifying the social site of Foster's supposed death, providing as documentation the obituary of another, much older man by the same name. Getting the Facebook version of his life back took some doing; based on this article it seems much easier to convince Facebook that you're dead than that you're alive.

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