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Comment Most documentaries suck (Score 5, Insightful) 103

For the past 15 years, nearly all the channels such as history channel, discovery, etc have been nearly wothless, waste your time with ratings tactics, etc. Some physics series (NDT, Brian Cox) and maybe animal planet being an exception?

It's easier just to read up on the rest without the bullshit, the commercials, and the ratings grab tactics. Even on netflix, it's rare that a documentary is worth watching, because of the editing geared towards TV.

It's telling when the most worthwhile educational show the last years came out on Fox.

Comment As a passenger... (Score 1) 66

...and the ground is very unstable in many areas, not to mention under water.

Another benefit of flying is straight line transport. Roads -- particularly around here --- add huge distances to any trip because you can't go directly to one's destination, but instead, must go waaaaaay around to get there.

The best solution is actually monorails. There is no need for them to take up much ground other than a post every so often, they don't disturb the greenery or the wildlife or the settlements, they can mostly ignore terrain, they can go whiz-bang fast, they can never hit cows or cars or people (well, REALLY stupid people they might hit, but I see that as a feature, not a bug), properly built monorails can't be snowed in or under, the scenery is better than either aircraft (too high) or car/train/bus (too low) they're quieter than trains by far, the ride is better, elevation means better radio coverage for cell or whatever, two tracks for bidirectional operations can be hung from single poles, thereby taking no extra right of way.

Also, they're hella cool.

Too bad the government hasn't enough sense to Manhattan project a bunch of 'em. Sure rather pay for that than yet another bombing of brownish people with funny beliefs and (coincidence only, of course) oil and other natural resources.

Comment Gasbag (Score 1) 66

...and If only we had envelopes that would hold such a light gas without leaking it the heck out through every surface, or otherwise leak away the characteristic (heat) that makes it light... and if only such a technology didn't require such a large envelope as to function as a highly effective sail in any high prevailing wind such that it would take a huge amount of energy to counter said impetus... and if only we had a place to store such a large envelope... and if only such a device wouldn't cost seven figures... and if only there was a place available to land such things at your desired destination...

Yes, I believe you're on the right track. I'll start buying H and He futures immediately, and subscribe to your newsletter as well. Thank you!

Comment Nice and Pliant (Score 1) 66

I live 300 road miles from the nearest city of with enough resources to be worth visiting. I could actually use a flying car. Air distance is much less than the road distance, for one thing, and for another, max legal road speed is pitiful - 70 to 75 mph. Yet Amazon and the occasional other net vendor pretty much fulfill all our material needs. The big deal when we take a trip these days (usually medically related now) is access to a spectrum of decent restaurant choices.

However, all things considered, I'd rather have a couple of robots. A household one, basically a full featured maid, and another for walking a dog, mowing the lawn, taking out the trash, etc.

I expect to get them well before I get a flying car, too, unless someone discovers a low-power, very safe, antigravity system in the interim. Otherwise, it's just not energy efficient.

Comment Re:Why would this surprise? (Score 1) 254

It comes down to economics 101. Supply and demand.

The reason why their is inequality is because not all people are equal. Some people have skills and attributes that are needed/wanted more then others.

So the Sports Hero, who is physically superior to most people, is rare compared to the average person so he will be more desired and be placed on a higher status then people who do not.

The CEO or Politician is willing and able to deal with a lot of crap and take risks that most of us do not want to take. So they get paid more too.

Us Engineers and IT guys tend to get paid a little better than the average guy because we have skills that are in more demand.

So that is the supply side.

But if you are the smartest person in the world but in a field that no one really cares about or isn't much demand for say Expert in some obscure author of the 1800's, or say a top performer in an instrument that no one uses. Then the demand side of the equation will kick in. So this guy while smart isn't going to get much pay or status.

As well like in the 1990's during the tech bubble. They was a glut of "Web Developers" AKA some guy who knows how to use Front page who were getting paid a lot of money because there was such a demand to get web pages.

No matter what sort of economic system. Supply and Demand kicks in and forces inequality.

Comment Re:Gators (Score 5, Interesting) 160

Sad thing about requiring college education whether the job needs it or not. You can fill a moron with facts, but not logic.

The body of Bravo's roomate was later found in a makeshift grave in a forest close to Bravo's apartment.

That is stupid.

Also of note is that investigators determined that Bravo, during the same time frame he asked Siri for advice on where to hide the body, also used a flashlight app nine times. Though circumstantial, the inference is that he used the flashlight on the iPhone to help him see as he disposed of the body.

Scary how shit like that is tracked in the phone. I use my flashlight daily, wonder if that makes me a suspect for something?

Comment Re:Cheaper drives (Score 1) 183

Well there will be a point where SSD are cheap enough for people to decide to pay a little extra to get them.

As magnetic drives get cheaper per storage, they are sold at around the same price but with more storage. It isn't uncommon for someone to get a PC built with a few Terabytes of data in a magnetic drive. Or for the same price you can get a SSD rated in hundreds of Gigabytes.

At a particular point the faster SSD drives with be affordable enough to offer the space that they need at a cost they want to spend.

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