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Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 498

I got pulled over when a cop saw me leaving a bar where I had 1 drink. He was pissed I passed the field sobriety test so he took me to the station and had me blow in the breathalyser. Your only supposed to blow a fixed amount, once, into the machine. He made me keep blowing till it hit the legal limit, declared me drunk and put me in jail. Fortunately he was lazy and stopped exactly at the limit. The breathalyser had an analog scale with no mirror behind the pointer. I thought the judge was going to cite the cop for perjury from the smoke coming out his ears when the cop said, with a straight face, that he always read the meter with his right eye. Case dismissed.

Comment Just fix it. (Score 1) 671

I always just run opcrack (assuming it's win, it always is), give myself admin rights, and fix anything I find "wrong" with the setup. I assume I can do anything that I can do, if they didn't want it done they would have made it not do-able. I have never been challenged or questioned. Sometimes IT changes my rights back to less then admin and I have to open it back up, but no big. If they can keep me out they are welcome too, if not I will set it up how I like. I don't get malware and i don't DL anything dangerous, and with 30+ years experience I figure I probably know more about net safety then they do anyway. And if not, they should have done a better job of securing the machine.

Past experience posting this philosophy tells me the IT security guys will jump all over my bad. As always, fuck them. If you can't keep me out don't complain about what I change. If you knew what I needed for a usable system I wouldn't have to go to the minor effort needed to set it up properly.

Comment Re:Ya I think peopel confuse the argument (Score 1) 292

The point where you lose my support is when you say you can force people to adopt your solution. If the danger is so pressing and dire then everyone would see it, yet they still might chose other actions then the one you want to impose. If you think this problem is so very pressing then please live your life accordingly, and you are welcome to try to persuade me to emulate you. But once you propose forcing me to adopt your conclusion I lose any respect I might have had for your solution and see you as just another moralizing petty tyrant.

Comment Re:Telling idiots what they want to hear... (Score 1) 300

I'm an ME, so I'm decent at math at least through DEs. MY wife helps grade school children with their homework. I really can't describe the absolute crap they are teaching them for math. Yes, it is all "true and correct", but it is so convoluted and obtuse it is of no practical value. And the teachers don't know how this crap works, they only teach examples from the book, which often turn out to represent special cases although that is never identified. I have no doubt this is done to convince the kids that math makes no sense and is too hard for them to ever learn. You could argue that those that do "get it" will make great scientists and engineers, but 99% of them are left unable to understand basic concepts.

Comment Theory of Climatic Stability (Score 1, Insightful) 1367

I don't remember ever reading of The Theory of Climatic Stability. Maybe I was inattentive, but when did it stabilize? I recall the earth has been a hot dry desert and a frozen iceball and that CO2 has changed from 0.02% to 0.2%, and oxygen from nothing to poisoning off all existing life above water. Am I to understand it actually stabilized in ~1800 and any change since then is my bad?

Comment Re:Author Misidentifies Core Problems with SOPA (Score 2) 214

Yea, like drunken airline passengers could never be charged under terrorism laws because they were only meant for real terrorists, not drunk airline passengers. Pick your link. The people in charge of incarcerating other people have taken any excuse to do so, no matter how torturous the interpretation of the law. And the courts have, since they are in the same business, decided this is just fine. So be very careful what you allow.

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