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Comment Re:Dude. (Score 1) 2166

If you cannot speak to me or others without the teenage/childish insults, and handle an adult-to-adult conversation with respect towards one another, then you have nothing to say that I want to hear.

Hear, hear. This is why I have very little respect for a majority of political commentators and politicians (at least those that get the most press coverage) who constantly sound as if they are in a seventh grade pissing match. I would think that most adults don't want to hear about teabaggers, lame stream media, or any other horribly contrived and unimaginative pejoratives.

Comment Re:seems simple (Score 1) 1219

What if he ate a christmas pudding laced with brandy?
What if he used some cough medicine that's made with alcohol?

Um, it's called DUI, "driving while intoxicated." It's not called, "driving while having had an alcoholic beverage earlier in the night". Pudding laced with brandy most likely won't up your BAC or intoxicate you, and cough medicine will. Guess what, most medicines warn against operating a vehicle after use. It's because it might impair you.

I don't support the notion of required DUI check points, it doesn't sit well with my notion of personal liberty, but I won't make excuses for those who are caught driving drunk. And if you're at a place where you can get free alcohol then you should make a plan for getting home safely, either by cab, walking, designated driver or crashing at the person's house who was serving you free alcohol.

Comment Re:Pat down, or molest? (Score 1) 642

As the majority of direct flights have to bounce through PA, or New Jersey.

I would posit that a whole 0% of direct flights "bounce" through PA or NJ, but I'd have to collect more data to be sure. As an aside, my brother takes the train from Boston to NY frequently and apparently it's quite nice, with power outlets for computers, leg room, freedom to walk and no intrusive security.

Comment Re:doesn't make sense (Score 1) 642

However, for any distance under (say) 600 miles or so, I'd agree: drive. It actually is quicker, and is substantially cheaper without the hassle. An hour to the airport, 1-3 hours waiting, an hour or so in transit, and another hour to get your bags, rental, etc. and then another 30 minutes to 2 hours to your actual destination. Anywhere on the seaboards, I'd say "just drive".

Maybe you just live too far away from airports. Take this example, I have a 15-30 minute rail to the airport, an hour at the airport (I take no head to the 2-3 hours early warning from the airlines), 2 hours of flight, no checked bags, and another 15-30 to get to my final destination. That's a whole lot faster than driving (4 hours flying vs 7.5 hours (600 miles at 85 mph)) Now, flying is most likely more expensive, but if the distance is over 250 miles I'll take flying any day.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
