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Comment Re:My opinion on the matter. (Score 1) 826

you are speaking of different "dialects", it's a matter of apparence, not substance, a disk can be accessed as /dev/hda, /dev/sda or /dev/disk0, but the important thing is that you *can* access the disk via a special file in the dev directory ...

not the case of systemd approach, that is "change everything at a substantial level, just because"

Apparently you didn't notice that they also talked about different flavors of "process 1", such as "traditional BSD init", "traditional System V init" (well, actually, they didn't even bother mentioning the latter), launchd, SMF (which they also didn't mention), launchd, systemd, etc....

Comment Re:Not UNIX like anymore (Score 1) 826

You are obviously demonstrating that you have no personal experience with systemd; systemd is a collection of tools

Could somebody then either rename the collection of tools to have a name that doesn't sound like the name of a UN*X daemon, or rename the tool in that collection that some Linux distributions run in process 1 to something other than "systemd", so that people don't confuse the collection of tools with the init-process tool in that collection? This might fix at least some of systemd's public relations problem.

(I mean, srsly, Apple's made some changes to "traditional UN*X", but they don't designate mDNSresponder or the ASL-version of syslogd or... as parts of the "launchd" project.)

Comment Re:My opinion on the matter. (Score 1) 826

It prevents regular user programs from masquerading as system services, which usually sit below port 1024.

$ sudo sh -c "id; echo \"Wanna bet?\""
uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel),401(,1(daemon),2(kmem),3(sys),4(tty),5(operator),8(procview),9(procmod),12(everyone),20(staff),29(certusers),33(_appstore),61(localaccounts),80(admin),98(_lpadmin),100(_lpoperator),204(_developer)
Wanna bet?

Seriously, once you have personal computer on a network, "reserved ports are available only to root" is, as noted, cargo-cult security.

Comment Re:The init system (Score 1) 826

And servers - do they still care about the servers?

Depends on which kinds. Macminis get used as servers. They are suddenly doing well with the MacPro. They have an excellent small business server product. Also remember they just recommitted to enterprise. Apple is very hard to read on this, but I think in general they would want to be able to support a server quickly not have a long lag.

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Apple to have 128-core enterprise servers, however.

Comment Re:My opinion on the matter. (Score 1) 826

I think your objection is that they maintain all this stuff and distribute it as part of the same source tarball.

Is there some compelling reason for them to do so - and to stick "systemd-" in front of the names of a number of daemons? If nothing else, it could be bad public relations if it gives people the impression that the program whose name is "systemd" performs functions that, in other UN*Xes, are done by programs launched through the init process.

Comment Re:My opinion on the matter. (Score 1) 826

> The more you change that, the less interchangeable the various Unixen become.
A disadvantage for the user, an advantage for those selling linux systems.
Canonical tried to make Linux unique by messing up the UI level, RH tries with the most important item after the kernel, PID 1.
The hardware makers are all too happy about it because they don't like unix tools and ideas born in the 70s that offer old hardware an indefinite operative life.

As opposed to ideas born in the '80's, such as "every UN*X variant gets to do a few things differently from most of the other variants"; it sounds as if you're saying that Linux is reimplementing that idea amongst Linux distributions. :-)

Comment Re:Same people as...? (Score 4, Interesting) 61

I wonder if they are some of the same people as these (reading about theiur team it does not sound unlikely):

Well, that link speaks of people from Elbrus, and this page from Eltechs' web site says "The MCST Binary Translation Team has 200+ man-year experience in developing binary translators. They implemented a number of x86 to e2k (a Russian CPU)". The "e2k" is probably the Elbrus 2000, for which they implemented an x86-to-native binary translator. The MCST (Moscow Center of SPARC Technologies) referred to by the Elbrus 2000 page is probably the same MCST referred to by the Eltechs page.

So, yes, probably the same people.

Comment Re:That's a garbage lawsuit (Score 2) 286

What you're describing is what TV sets already do to display interlaced video. The reason why "1080p!" is an advertising point is because 1080i, even after interpolation, is inferior; that's why they weren't using that less-deceptive description to begin with.

I mean if you don't like the product you can return it.

If they don't like being sued for fraud they can stop committing fraud.

Comment Re: Beards and suspenders. (Score 1) 637

Modern developer do not deal with memory allocation anymore, but they work at a level of abstraction with design paradigms which are every bit as complex to grasp than hardware architecture.

I'm not the person who said that "Java schools are a menace" and that "you're really missing something if you don't have a good mental model of computers at the machine language level, and if you've never done any "bit bashing" (working with unsigned ints as arrays of bits, not as numbers)." - and then spoke of "pointer-array equvalency" as if it were a fundamental concept of how computers work at the low level rather than as an over-simplified description of a quirk of C and its derivatives (they're not equivalent - array-valued expressions evaluate as a pointer to the first element in the array in some, but not all, contexts),

Comment Re:Beards and suspenders. (Score 2) 637

Eww Octal??? My gosh, the PDP-11 is the purest of the pure! It is the excuse, the reason for Octal to exist!

No, octal was a much better fit for machines such as the PDP-6/PDP-10, PDP-5/PDP-8, and other multiple-of-6-bits-word-size machines. It worked well for PDP-11 instructions, not so well for PDP-11 data words if you cared about the individual bytes in the word.

Comment Re:Beards and suspenders. (Score 1) 637

None of these or any other internal arcana of c have anything to do with designing algorithms or programming computers.

Go tell that to the person who argued that programmer should become totally comfortable with bit-bashing, with pointers and pointer-array equivalency, and so on. "Pointer-array equivalency" (or "array-valued expression conversion to pointer-valued expression in most contexts") definitely counts as "internal arcana" of C and related languages.

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