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Submission + - Apple loses bid to exclude evidence in Samsung patent trial ( 1

__aaltlg1547 writes: Apple loses bid to exclude evidence in Samsung patent trial Apple Inc. lost its bid to exclude evidence presented by Samsung Electronics Co. at the companies' patent trial in California about a tablet computer developed more than a decade before Apple's iPad was released in 2010. Judge Koh strikes for sanity again.

Submission + - Major iPhone SMS Security Vulnerability Exposed by Hacker (

hypnosec writes: A well-known hacking, known as pod2g, has made public a major security flaw in Apple’s iPhone that has been around since the first generation of iPhone and which affects all versions of the iOS operating system including the recently released iOS 6 Beta 4. According to the researcher, in an iPhone, the reply-to phone number can be easily changed to display some number other than the number from which the SMS was sent. This can be achieved through a simple procedure whereby a malicious user can manipulate one of the options in the User Data Header (UDH) part of the SMS thereby changing the reply-to number. If such a message is crafted and the receiver’s handset is compatible with it, in this case and iPhone, and the user tries to reply to such a message the reply won’t be actually going to the number being displayed in “reply-to” but to the original number from which the malicious user had sent the SMS. The thing that makes it worse is that most of the carriers don’t check for this part of the message.
Data Storage

Submission + - Harvard cracks DNA storage, crams 700 terabytes of data into a single gram (

MrSeb writes: "A bioengineer and geneticist at Harvard’s Wyss Institute have successfully stored 5.5 petabits of data — around 700 terabytes — in a single gram of DNA, smashing the previous DNA data density record by a thousand times. The work, carried out by George Church and Sri Kosuri, basically treats DNA as just another digital storage device. Instead of binary data being encoded as magnetic regions on a hard drive platter, strands of DNA that store 96 bits are synthesized, with each of the bases (TGAC) representing a binary value (T and G = 1, A and C = 0). To read the data stored in DNA, you simply sequence it — just as if you were sequencing the human genome — and convert each of the TGAC bases back into binary. To aid with sequencing, each strand of DNA has a 19-bit address block at the start — so a whole vat of DNA can be sequenced out of order, and then sorted into usable data using the addresses. DNA storage is very desirable because it's incredibly dense (1 bit per base, which is just a few atoms), and it's very stable (DNA will survive in a box in your garage for hundreds of thousands of years). It is only with recent advances in microfluidics and labs-on-a-chip that synthesizing and sequencing DNA has become an everyday task, though. While it took years for the original Human Genome Project to analyze a single human genome (some 3 billion DNA base pairs), modern lab equipment with microfluidic chips can do it in hours. Now this isn’t to say that Church and Kosuri’s DNA storage is fast — but it’s fast enough for very-long-term archival."

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 206

Gosh, when you say it like that it's almost as if it really is too hard to offer a donate button, a log in and some content for your trouble. It's basically lunacy. "You can, but you can't because, well, because." Sure. Makes perfect sense.

I mean if people really, really give zero fucks why should anyone else give zero fucks?
Do we not reap what we sow?

Comment Re:and the enemy is (Score 1) 221

Being that A1 has a pretty damn good 'interest financing' engine - they put their money where their interests stand a good chance of being served thus adversely affecting the race where A2 believes they can have their own affect. Congress seems to have a funny and twisted way of bringing about a foregone conclusion. Anything you get is "forward" looking and never undoing damage from the past. Fuck they don't even talk about it. Too many funds to raise.

My point was - no matter how you got there if you have the gall to be led by fright (and who knows what else, party mobs perhaps) to vote on a proposed law that is counter to the Constitution then they should be held to account when said law is abused to the detriment of the entire population. Everybody seems to think you can just vote that away when, clearly, that is an enormous undertaking. Gargantuan. Monumentous even. Much more difficult an issue than simply who elects Congress.

And yes, agreed, we are our own enemy albeit Congress is supposed to represent us, all of us, and not simply serve the desires and whims of any given administrations bureaucracy, threat assessments included. Where's the hindsight? Where is the country's conscience? And where, for Christ's sake, is accountability? If accountability is tossed aside and there is no fear from being held responsible it is far too easy a cop out to simply ask who elects Congress. Fuck the voters, the representatives, the president of the day and the judges - who approved the law that has resulted in a frontal on our country? Not you and certainly not me. Sovereign Immunity - who allows that and on what occasion does that come into effect? Why, conveniently enough, it seems to be when shit gets serious enough as to question the integrity of our government it would appear. Convenient.

So, again, I understand and respect your answer yet that seems to leave us with .. nothing. "You voted the asshats in" does not seem to have much bearing on what said asshat does while they're there and I'm of the mind that asshats responsible for setting this stage should be held to account. Removing them from office is a nice gesture and all that but at junctions like these what's the message?

Comment and the enemy is (Score 4, Interesting) 221

I hesitate to type this but after reading TFA I could only conclude that Congress is, in fact, the enemy. Those responsible for passing the applicable laws should, in my mind, be tried for treason. That or show us all (that is - all of us) the truth about all these plots and evil little plans that threatened to take off half the eastern seaboard. SHOW ME! Cunts.

That we're allowed to (nay, made to) fear and to react to that which we can not see is no longer acceptable. Not. Acceptable.
I. Do. Not. Accept.

Comment Re:Short translation (Score 1) 268

I might adjust this accordingly;

The Olympics--where everyone gets paid except the athletes who actually do the work and the volunteers who actually make it work.

and throw in since I'm typing; What the fuck is happening? Sponsors sponsor - what this is is corruption of the games that represent the world - our world - not just their fucking manipulative twisted strong-arming of OUR product.

Fuck the IOC and their supposed "sponsorships"

And may each and every athlete from each and every country perform to the best of their abilities. Impress yourselves and impress the world.

Pirate The Olympics! For The World!

Comment Re:I did... (Score 1) 333

luther349, I did try and refrain and I do recognize that there is a new cult spin and war on iOS fiends, freaks, friends and fools however your "broad brushed" scoping is, well, ignorant at worst and forward-looking at best. I was handed an OSX platform for the purposes if integration quite some time ago. I find and feel it's the best "user-end" tool going for my working role in life.. UNIX. Windows is.. Windows, Linux is still clunky by trying to keep it seamless and still somewhat difficult to force into position (re custom interfacing) and, I'm finding Android seems to suffer from this everywhere and nowhere thing as well. The apple wars are foolish - they're going to sink their own float. When my current platform is best left to web page viewing and stereo hook-up it may very well be the end. I don't like the direction and I don't like the company lately.

Cheaper, better, faster hardware is great. Expensive, fast, robust end user interface capabilities and underlying flexibility can be worth it too. It's a good combo to date but it does seems to be heading for a wall. Having thus defended some peoples Apples I'll throw the relatively on-topic bit in - TV is ass but I still have the lowest tier as I still have a lot of people in the house and I, personally, refuse to watch ass programing with commercials save maybe one or two shows I'll watch with family per season, maybe - rarely alone unless it's Nova or the like. The rest can do what they like. As for trunking our viewing pleasure - the current environment is a little like Linux on the desktop - lots to choose from, a few tricks, some know-how, a few pitfalls and the same media corporate greed engines trying to wrest control from the rest of the world.

Good, fair and modern services on ALL platforms are completely possible now, technically - it's just that they are not baked right now for reality unless perhaps you're a one or two person household, then it's easy as pie. If I had more time I would be finding the best match for my house and ripping out TV in a heartbeat. As a full time tinkerer I don't have time to tinker for tinkers sake. I can wait a little bit longer but my patience is wearing thin. "Pirates" (Internet library users) have the right idea and they're blazing the trail to enlightenment it's just that those needing said enlightenment are one notch below religious zealots.

Comment Re:Additional story tag (Score 1) 459

I'm afraid that your point, as it pertains to this thread, eludes me. It's pretty damn easy to grow. So if you're good with giving your money away to yet another fucked up company for some marked up schwag then by all means have at it. Most people... will have a choice. One much more flexible than butts and booze by far.

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