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Comment Re:Inevitable escalation of a broken philosophy (Score 1) 609

The German invasion of Russia (WW2) is a clasic example of what a huge but poorly armed force can accomplish. At the start of the war 90% of the russian soldiers were unarmed, they had no airforce, no tanks, few artillary, and terrible leadership. And they stopped the best equipped and best trained military on the planet.

Comment Re:Time to recompile humanity (Score 1) 62

There are 2 ways to handle this: 1-map out everything and figure out what/how everything works, so there are no unexpected results. 2-try stuff out and see what happens. Obviously plan 2 requires a corporation and a 3rd world military dictatorship, as they don't have moral values and human rights laws to block this.

Comment Re:Popping the popcorn (Score 1) 262

You are assuming they intend to follow legal proceedings, like extradition. The asumption is they intent to abduct him and put him in a secret American prison. They would have difficulty with extradition because he's not an employee of the US Gov and HE didn't break American law to get the secrets, so his posession of American secrets isn't illegal.

Comment Re:Of course, it's likely copyrighted. (Score 1) 134

Publishing on the internet does NOT extinguish your copyright. The author (web page owner) legally requires permission from the (slimeball) corporation to publish their copyrighted material. The author might be able to sue for impersonation (they pretended the stuff they served was from the author), and they (corp) might be liable for defamation (they served up adds on his website without consent and made it look like he (author) was doing it), but they most certainly have the right to block him publishing their code.

Comment Re:Free Speech (Score 1) 180

You are suggesting the East India company was small? How about the Hudsons bay corporation? As well the smaller multi-nationals were willing to work together for mutual benefit, example the corporations that staged the American war of independence to protest English taxes.

Comment Re:Free Speech (Score 1) 180

You don't need all the voters, you just need half to show up at his office. If half the registered voters (in a single riding) show up it means they will vote against him because of this single (fixable) issue, meaning the money (bribes) won't work (get him elected). People keep calling our elected reps stupid, but our actions keep proving they're not.

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