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Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 218

We have fiber in our neighborhood and in each house is a power supply that charges a battery in the box on the side of the house. Last year, two neighbors lost their phone/internet/cable about 2 days after a big lightning strike. The strike took out their power supply and the batteries lasted two days. Suprising to them, but really not that bad.

Comment Ford has done this for years (Score 1) 437

My neighbor bought a Ford truck in 1997. It came with an alarm system. He haggled the price down and said he didn't want to pay for an alarm system. They took the truck around to the service bay and disabled it with a code reader device. Talk about someone being upset.... the idea that it was there installed in the truck and Ford had rather install the parts by default and then disable it infuriated him.

Comment Re:Math, do it. (Score 1) 1043

See, that's what you think.... an ordinary person looks at the headline and thinks it's terrible so many people are that bad off. The government is free to define the poverty line where it wishes. It can also redefine the program to include more people (usually a politician buying a block of votes). How often have you seen a program go into effect only to later be expanded and redefined down the road when the public forgets the original intent?

The truth is not all of those people need the welfare. But most will say if it's free it's for me!

Comment Re:Yes, you should do the math. (Score 1) 1043

We do provide breakfast at school to all students. Sumter, Richland and Kershaw counties that I know of, I'm sure there's more. And we provide free lunches. And in the summer time we open the cafeteria (not the school mind you) and feed the kids. Hey, this is great, but there's a flaw in it. We're already paying the parents with SNAP benefits. So we pay to feed the kids twice. But if you talk about cutting SNAP benefits, they always chime in about starving kids. No one points out the redundancy in the system.

Comment Re:Math, do it. (Score 1) 1043

My dear man, we have all the money we can print... until the Chinese call in their bonds and the Germans demand their gold back from Ft Knox. At that point we're screwed... and we are presently past the point of no return. Why it would be political suicide for either party to admit this to us, so they keep kicking the can down the road.

Comment Re:Safety (Score 1) 937

I think there was an article on the interwebs about Ford developing a sensor that could differentiate between a deer and something else at it's max range. Snicker... of course it's the device's max range... any further and it wouldn't differentiate. duh....

Comment A block buster? (Score 2) 146

A blockbuster movie? Space, cowboys, roughnecks, scenes of things blowing up, impending doom saved at the last minute and a guy who doesn't make it home and leaves behind a beautiful girl. Oh and crazy Russians. Perfect formula. A blockbuster song? repeating lyrics which drone on and a drum machine. The public just seems to love it this way!

Comment Dollar coins in vending machines (Score 1) 371

The dollar changer at work has given dollar coins for years.... but the vending machines wouldn't accept them. I called the vendor several times explaining why I could not buy a $1.35 coke with the 4 dollar coins and 4 quarters I got when changing a $5. Finally after several years, they changed all the coin boxes and we have no problems now. My only issue is I have to be careful not to confuse them with quarters, but it's really not hard.

Comment Re:This is the problem with religious people. (Score 1) 903

Way back in WW2, there were wage caps and companies started offering health insurance as an unpaid benefit. So the government did push employers into offering it. After ww2, Blue Cross and Blue Shield was founded in 1947 or 48. Still, not all employers offered the perk. In 1973, Nixon institued wage caps and required large companies to offer health insurance. Again, government in the mix.... and in 2009, the ACA requires all companies with more than 50 employees to provide insurance. Government again.....

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