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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 25 declined, 8 accepted (33 total, 24.24% accepted)


Submission + - Legitimate back-ups: Froom Good to Bad 1

Master Moose writes: In light of recent ruling regarding back-up software, I began thinking back to my first computing experiences back in the late 80's. I remember being taught how important it was to make back up disks and can even remember commercial software manuals reminding me to do so. (e.g ) My question is when did the thinking around this change? When did making a fair-use backup move from being taught as prudent and necessary to being something only performed by evil people?

Submission + - Stealth internet filter in New Zealand

Master Moose writes: An Internet filtering system that locks out known child porn sites, instigated by the government "by stealth" which then re-directs users to government sites. Some will see the technology as good. Others will wonder: "Why be so secretive about this?" "How long is it going to take before other internet baddies are filtered out this way?" "How long before the recording/movie industry gets in the governments ear?" Would you be happy if your ISP signed up for this?

Submission + - Betamax Help

Master Moose writes: Help, I need to know.

Betamax — the format that lost yet made a major impact died many years ago. I have been searching for information for a quick piece I am writing up.

Hopefully there are some Betaphiles around here.

I am wanting to know or be pointed in the right direction to find out:

"What was the last commercial Hollywood Movie (both theatrical and Direct to Video) released on the Betamax format?"


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