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Comment fail2ban (Score 1) 497

I know a lot of people have suggested fail2ban, and its a great solution that's easy to implement. The best part is it uses sendmail to mail logs to the root user about brute-force attempts. This is mainly for my curiosity.

The big thing is the ban timer on fail2ban doesn't need to be very long. The ban can be as short as 2-3 minutes and still get the message across. Once they realize they're disconnected, they'll go elsewhere. It'll slow them down enough that brute forcing ssh isn't practical anymore, usually at that point they'll move on to another host.
An easier solution is to just use public-key authentication though, there are plenty of articles out there that deal with this.

Really, just all the spam in my logs to be amusing. I had someone use a web scanner on my box, and after it was done and found nothing of interest, it made a request for /fuckingshitnonexistant.php, which of course 404'd.

Comment I was rooting for... (Score 1) 870

...the blue people ever since they revealed what they were doing with the natives.

The takeover of the Native Americans, and the slavery of Africans, were the two most savage acts the United States every did. There was no way even a futuristic United States would allow such actions to proceed. I wouldn't be surprised after they went home there was some type of investigation and charges filed against the CEO and other people within the company for genocide. This is why we need to remember out past, or we will be doomed to repeat it.

A long time ago when we justified the hostile takeover of Native Americans, we considered them as "savages." Guess who the real savages were?

Like the posters before me have said, this isn't a statement on anti-technology, but how technology needs to be responsibly used.

Comment Re:Stop scaremongering (Score 1) 179

Thats called "probable cause," and its way more restricted then what you are saying. If the evidence gets challenged in court, the officer would have to explain to the court their evidence that made them believe something illegal occurred inside the house or whatever. Someone just can't say "oh, i think he's doing a drug deal in that house... GRAB THE RADAR"

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