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Comment Re:As soon as they ... (Score 0, Redundant) 368

The problem with getting rid of the "hate" crime category is that its a legal term. A person convicted of a hate crime has a more severe punishment then a non-hate crime offense.

Under the law, there is a difference between assaulting someone for some money and assaulting someone because their apart of a specific ethnic group.

Comment Re:All your base are belong to humans... (Score 1) 200

An AI could do micromanagement way better then a human ever could. An AI isn't encumbered by physical limitations, only by the quality of the programming and the processing power behind the bot.

The reason why an AI isn't that great in SC2 is because Blizzard's intention wasn't to make the bot able to crush humans. I bet you they could make a bot that crushes human players without violating the rules of the game, but what purpose would that serve for them?

Comment Re:All your base are belong to humans... (Score 2, Insightful) 200

Exactly. An AI could win by exhibiting super-human micromanagement by engaging enemeies in several locations at once, diverting the attention of the human player. Unlike Chess, which is a turn-based game, Starcraft 2 is a real-time game. This gives people who can manage multiple conflicts at once while still pumping out units and maintaining their economy will prevail. An advanced AI would roflstomp a human. Blizzard's "Insane" AI for multiplayer still follows the rules of human skill. An AI bot designed to crush a human opponent would not limit itself like that.

Comment Re:No questions about QA? (Score 2, Insightful) 175

4.0.1 was the largest patch they had ever created. Anyone who has worked 10 seconds in the software development business is that bugs are apart of life. World of Warcraft is the most bug-free MMO in existence. Blizzard does a really good job working as many bugs as they can out of the game, but bugs do creep in.

Comment Re:this guy is a dumbshit (Score 2, Informative) 175

Plainsrunning was different then Running Wild.

Plainsrunning was "always on" and increased your movement speed while moving over time until you reached 100% (over 10 seconds). Once you stopped or entered combat, you'd go back to normal run speed. It was a completely different mechanic then a standard mount, and it was broken and hence removed.

Running Wild is basically a mount, but instead of a mount model your character just runs around really fast with a different animation. All the other rules of mounting apply, such as being unable to cast, having a cast time to mount, being unable to mount in combat, but remain mounted while in combat, etc.

Comment Re:this guy is a dumbshit (Score 1) 175

Blizzard doesn't ban people for pointing out that type of stuff, they ban people for HOW they do it.

There is a difference between.....

"I believe my class does not do enough DPS and here is why... [insert evidence of your beliefs in a non-flambait manner]"



The first example contributes to the conversation, whereas the second example does not.

Comment Re:Damage Meters built into client (Score 1) 175

I think it what it boils down to is Recount is an addon that is already freely avaliable to those who want to analyze their DPS. I'm pretty sure they feel that adding a built-in Recount would be a waste of time, when there is already something out there that already works. The built-in threat meter was a different story, as Blizzard's threat meter uses information straight from the servers, instead of having to guess at it based on damage done, buffs, etc. Just because something is an internal development tool, doesn't mean it would work well for players to use. By all rights their internal tools for analyzing DPS and healing are so complicated a normal player wouldn't be able to wrap their mind around it in a reasonable manner, or provide information to players they don't want players knowing.

Comment fail2ban (Score 1) 497

I know a lot of people have suggested fail2ban, and its a great solution that's easy to implement. The best part is it uses sendmail to mail logs to the root user about brute-force attempts. This is mainly for my curiosity.

The big thing is the ban timer on fail2ban doesn't need to be very long. The ban can be as short as 2-3 minutes and still get the message across. Once they realize they're disconnected, they'll go elsewhere. It'll slow them down enough that brute forcing ssh isn't practical anymore, usually at that point they'll move on to another host.
An easier solution is to just use public-key authentication though, there are plenty of articles out there that deal with this.

Really, just all the spam in my logs to be amusing. I had someone use a web scanner on my box, and after it was done and found nothing of interest, it made a request for /fuckingshitnonexistant.php, which of course 404'd.

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